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A.N: Hey!! This one is about Ceylan discovering that his dad grieves over his dead childhood friend and leader! Hope you enjoy the sadness! (And the cliffhanger)

TW: Death mention

Admiral/Mr. Jones
Cyra (OC mention)

"Hmm... I just wanna know what happened today.."

Ceylan muttered as he and his close friend, Guren walked around the city after leaving the city bus. Today has been something, to say the least. Ceylan may not look like it, but he can tell when something's bothering the people he loves and cares about. Today was no different. He felt that today was a gloomy, sorrowful day, well mostly at home. Specifically, he senses that when his dad's around.

Though he acts upbeat and others would say that he's probably just tired, Ceylan knows his dad. He may be emotional, as in you can tell a mediocre sad poem to him and he'll sob uncontrollably, but he can't help but worry when he can tell he is sad, but not knowing why. It feels more of a hollow sadness, which was extremely rare to see. And it's always this day. Today and every day before that shares the same date has made his father quite depressed for some reason.

"Maybe, it's something about work?" Guren guessed as he tried to ease Ceylan's worries. Guren, as Ceylan himself would describe him, as a ball of sunshine who wouldn't hurt a fly. At least, until his loved ones are hurt, then you would have summoned rage scarier than the sun blowing up. Even Gen of all people gets unnerved when Guren is seriously angry, especially when he has so much patience.

"Guren, you don't understand. It's always this day specifically. Every year, specifically on this day, he gets pretty sad and goes somewhere. I don't think it's something with work, it's too..." Argh, what was the word he needs??
"Consistent?" "Yeah! That! It's too Consistent!" Ceylan exclaimed. They both were continuing their walk. Everyone else had somewhere to go so, Guren and himself were going to hang out. Now, he did want to check out this one place he never heard of, but conveniently, his dad sometimes goes this direction. Especially on this day.

"Cey, I get being worried.. But, I don't think we should go spy on him.." The hooded blunette huffed as he plopped his goggles on his head. For maximum stealth, of course! "C'mon, we're not spying! We're just checking this side of town out! I mean, look at this place! Some of the buildings here seem pretty old. Especially the arcades!"

The two boys walked through the town, using the map from their watch to find the places they wanted to check out. (As well as where he thinks his father is.) They decided to check out an old ice cream place, which seemed like it doesn't have many customers today. "What can I get you two?" A white haired man asked as he walked in from the back. Ceylan was about to say his order until he noticed the man's expression. Puzzlement was written all over his face, as well as familiarity. "Uh..." Ceylan blinked.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that.. you two look so familiar to people I knew.." OK, now both of them were confused. They never been here before, of course. Though, a thought came up in Ceylan's head. It was a small one, but one that made him eager to know. "What do you mean, sir?" Guren asked, completely puzzled of the situation. "You guys look similar to these two kids I knew when I was younger. It's been a while though, I think since when I was in middle school."

It just feels very coincidental, especially since I just saw one of them earlier." That line caught Ceylan's attention. "Did you know where he went?!" The man blinked at the outburst. He hesitated, but sighed. "Well... He went down south. If you keep going that direction, you'll find a coastal cliffside. I assume he's there.." "Alright! Guren, let's go!" Grabbing the redhead's hand, he sped towards the direction he was told. Guren was starting to feel a bit uneasy though, due to the man's tone. It was so sad... And why near a Cliffside?

They kept going to the south, passing by an old neighborhood. Some houses were old, and are abandoned and empty. One looked particularly awful and the darkening sunset made the trees sinister. "C-Cey.. I don't really like this place..." Guren muttered quietly as he walked with caution, holding the blunette's hand tightly. Ceylan was uneasy, but for a different reason. 'Why is dad here?' He thought. Finally, there was a sound of the ocean nearby, as well as a voice.

"I brought you marigolds again.." Ceylan stopped and instinctively hid in a nearby bush. The voice startled him, but thinking back on it made him realize it's familiarity. That was his dad! Guren was next to him, a bit dizzy from the sudden jump into the bush. Ceylan peeked out. There he was! He's planting marigolds in the ground? Why? And.. Who is he even talking to?

"I'm sorry, you'd probably find them boring at this point... But, it's the only flower that resembles you to me. I mean, you did give me one before you... Well.. You know.." He chuckled, though it wasn't exactly a happy one. Admiral got up, and leaned his arms on the metal fence that block entryway to the coastal cliffside. He sighs.

"Hey... remember the last time we were here? Before.. that time? It was when you gave me that seashell, since I love those so much. Heheh... I remember you said that you couldn't wait for our fifth team member to show up, that we'll kick the Corrupted's butt for sure. But then..."

He stared down to the waves crashing into the rock and sand of the cliff. His eyes reflected the dark ocean, able to absorb any light that sinks into it.
"... I know you ordered me to.. I know you would never blame me, and that you'd be ecstatic that I made it out but... I'm.. I-I still regret running. I wished I could've done something.. I'm sorry. It's just.. there's so many times I had thought.. Where would you be if you were still here?"
Admiral sighed again, shakily this time. He glanced down at the metal fencing, his face burning as his vision has gone slightly misty.

Ceylan stared as he listened to everything. Was he... crying? He can hear it, as quiet as it was. What.. What happened here? The flowers, talking about wishing they were still "here".. There's an uneasy feeling that the blunette is getting, as he now is wondering if he should have followed. Guren wasn't saying anything, possibly focused on the scene. A glistening caught Ceylan's aquamarine eyes. There was something dangling on the metal fence, tied up to it. It was a badge of some sort. Handcrafted and looked like... Bravenwolf? No, he's probably too far away.

Unfortunately, Ceylan lost his balance and fell, catching the attention of his father immediately. Guren hid in instinct, panicking. Ceylan sat up and finally noticed that he blown their cover.

The two stared at eachother for what seemed like hours, unmoving. Not a word was spoken, for Ceylan had no idea what to say. He feared that the silence would continue forever until Mr. Jones finally spoke.

"... Ceylan? What.. What are you doing here?"

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