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A/N: This is after Beni's Father fucked everything up for Everyone, and is out to get the knights. Enjoy!

Umber- Mr. Nash
Aster- Beni's Dad/Mr. Walker
Admiral- Mr. Jones
Lumi/Snow- Mr. White

He's been here for a while..

Even if he tried, he couldn't believe it. He can't believe that..
That his friend, his very teammate had done this to not just him, but the others as well. Admiral, Snow.. How are they? Are they alright? Captured? Or are they looking for them? Hunting down Aster?

He sighed. He should've destroyed it. Yes, it protects Earth from brickification, but if he knew that Aster would use the Tower's original purpose, he would've destroyed it. Start from scratch, and prevent this whole mess.
Guren... He's so sorry. He's sorry to all of them. They're all dragged into this, because of him. All their hard work of saving both worlds before from Vilius, all wasted because.. Because, he never thought of the possibility of Aster doing this.

Now, he's in Quarton. The Corrupted Fortress, to be precise. His Dromus Armor glinted a bit in this low lit cell, and his sword was taken away. It seems Aster was quite busy, helping the Corrupted have better technology. He can't go through this cell with his Shadow Cloak ability. This collar must be blocking it.
He heard footsteps, as guards came to him. He got up, glaring as he backs away a bit. "Stay back." He growled, but they didn't seem too intimidated. "Our lord Lydendor wishes you to be escorted to him. Come, and don't resist." The first soldier spoke.

Umber sighed. He doesn't really have a choice. At least, not right now. If he can get his sword back, then he can cause some serious damage. Thus, he obeys. Maybe, he can find a route?
As they kept walking down the metal halls, Umber can't help but look around. Has he ever been to the Corrupted Fortress before? He can't remember, it's been a while. And even if he did, he's sure it looks a bit different now. The red glow from the lighting really made it somewhat dark and ominous.

"Keep walking." The soldier ordered, shoving Umber forward. He must've been slowing down. Soon, they went through the doors that lead to an enormous room. All red and black, as the floors led to one platform that held a chair.
His blood ran cold, and he felt anger. But, mostly sadness and betrayal. Aster was sitting on the throne with a smile, as Vilius stands beside him with a serious expression.

"Well, well.. Why so gloomy, Umber?" Aster chuckled. "We're finally back to where we belong. Our home.. And now, we can claim our titles back from those imposters."
"Don't you dare hurt them." The brunette hissed, glaring at Aster with a threatening scowl. Aster only smiled at him. "Oh.. I don't think you would have a choice after I'm done with you.."
The way that sentence oozed out his lips was like an icy web taking hold of him and trapping him. Umber looked away, not wanting Aster to see his fear, despite his facade.

"Won't the Inposter Knights be coming here soon for him?" Vilius spoke up, albeit irritated. He must not be used to being only second in command. "Shouldn't we deal with that?"
"Oh, don't worry. They can be challenging but, they're useless when separated. We just need to finish the red one first."

Umber felt himself get pulled by the electric chains that the soldiers had binded him to, his eyes now mixed with many emotions. But, especially desperation.
"Aster, you can do anything you want with me!! But, please!! Leave Guren and the others out of this!!"
Aster let out a soft chuckle, getting off the throne as he walks to Umber. He lifts the brunette's chin with his hand, lifting his head a bit to look up.

"Aww, how cute.. You're so worried for your precious little boy, even when you're so scared.." He smiled. "How touching." Umber moved his head away from Aster's hand, glaring at him.
"Don't worry, you'll see him. Just, when the time is right.." He giggled, which was uneasy to the brunette. What is he planning..?

"So, we caught the knight we need! How about a celebration?"
"Excuse me?" Vilius growled.

Aster smiled. "Why yes, Vilius. We can have an arena battle, using this very knight! Besides, he may need.. a refresher on how things work around here."

"Did you forget that this is a Knight?! We can't afford him to escape!"
"And that's why the arena has been upgraded. Aster looked at Vilius coldly. "Don't ever doubt me again. I can easily throw you to the wolves, Vilius."

He growled, but silenced. Umber was surprised, seeing how Vilius didn't even tried to fight.

"Get him ready for the Arena." And with that, Umber was dragged away. Despite the betrayal, he can't bring himself to hurt him. Even if he tried. This was one of his best friends..

And he betrayed him..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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