Chapter 6: Let Chaos Reign

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4 days had past since Issei was killed and subsequently revived. Rias was still worried for Troy after he awoke after passing out from exhaustion and Akeno had been healing Issei slowly meaning Kiba and Koneko were the only members of the club attending school. Troy was in the training room that he requested Rias to make practicing his reverse grip ability with Raijin

Raijin: Your quite skilled with a blade it seems

Troy: Reverse grip, orthodox, kunai, switchblade, double handed, I try to stay well versed so my opponents can't predict my next move

Raijin: Hmm... It's a very interesting strategy

Troy: Well it's worked out for the last 7 years and you know what they say. If it ain't broken dont fix it

Raijin: Very true. By the way does Rias know your training

Troy: Are you kidding? She'd have a heart attack if she knew

Raijin: True. Also what's that new weapon your working on

Troy: Oh the hidden blade. It's inspired from a franchise called Assassin's Creed. I have to figure out a realistic use for it that doesn't involve me sacrifing a finger though

Raijin: Seems good for stealth missions

Troy: Yeah it will be when I can silence it a bit more

Raijin: Oh shit good luck

Troy: Huh? What do you mean good luc-


Troy: .... *internally* play dumb *To Rias* Who? *internally* Not that dumb!


Troy: Healthy exercise?

Rias: I leave you alone for 1 HOUR and you want to train. After what happened on Sunday as well!

Troy: Rias. I get your looking out for me. But I'm fine okay?

Rias: No! Go back to bed!

Troy: But I don't want to!

Rias: Troy I promise if you go to bed I will cuddle with you as long as you want

Troy: I've had 4 days of cuddles. As much as I enjoy it. I. Need. To. Train

Rias: You need to rest

Troy: I have rested since Sunday!

Rias: Fine. Prove to me your okay

Troy: By doing what

Rias: 500 push ups right now.

Troy: Thats it? Easy *gets in position*

Rias walked over to him and sat on back with her legs crossed

Rias: Okay you can start now

Troy: I knew there was a catch to it


Troy was walking through the park talking with Raijin telepathically about training methods and fighting strategies when his attention was caught by a man no older than him. His hair was purple and messy, like he had just gotten out of bed, he wore black jeans a red shirt and black leather jacket. And there was a... chaotic presence about him

Troy: I've got an off feeling about him

Raijin: So do I

The man spotted Troy and walked up to him

???: You must be Vindicta. And Raijin, your new sword

Troy: How do you know my name

???: Why your famous. And I've been following your every move for the last month. Allow me to introduce myself... I am Malum. I too have a sword just like Raijin. Even the same creator in fact. His name is Izanami

Troy: What do you want

Malum: My word you show no respect... maybe it's best I instill some into you

A blast of purple light shot out from Malum's hand and hit Troy in the chest sending him flying across the park

Malum: I was put on this planet to do whatever I wish. You will not stop me no matter how hard you try Vindicta. For when order turns to dust. Only chaos remains. And Chaos shall reign supreme. *vanishes*

Troy tried to rise to his feet but he staggered to a knee and started coughing up blood

Raijin: Are you okay Troy

Troy: N-No... W-What was that

Raijin: I don't know... I'll alert Rias of your whereabouts

*Moments later*

A circle of crimson appeared in front of Troy who was on his knees. Blood stained the rocky ground he was on and it was spilling from the side of his mouth. From the circle appeared a concerned Rias and Akeno.

Akeno: Troy!!!

Troy held a hand up as if to stop his sister coming to help him... he tried to stand but he couldn't maintain himself for more than a few seconds before collapsing to his knees

Rias: Raijin explain!!!

Raijin: Can we get Troy home first. He's losing a lot of blood

Rias: Right. Don't worry Troy it'll be okay.

Troy looked up to his girlfriend and his sister. And for the first time. They could see fear in his eyes. Rias used her magic to teleport the three back to the apartment

Troy: B-Baby... I'm scared

Rias' eyes begin to tear up hearing this. How could Troy of all people be scared. He had killed hundreds most probably thousands of angels, fallen angels and devil's. And now he lay... scared? She didn't believe. She didn't want to believe it.

Rias: It's gonna be okay. Don't worry Troy I'll fix you.

Troy grabbed Rias' hand with his own. His knuckles were ghostly white. Rias sat him upright and had Akeno get him a drink of water to get him to calm down. He drank the water and started to gather himself before smiling thinly and thanking Akeno

Rias: Can you explain what happened.

Troy: Yeah. I was walking through the park and I saw a guy with an... off feeling about him. He introduced himself to me as Malum. When I asked what he wanted with me he shot me with a purple light and *started to cry* I started to see things

Akeno: Like?

Troy: The entire town was in ruins. And I saw the bodies of.... all of you.... lifeless. Before I was stabbed in the stomach and started coughing up blood.

By the time he had finished his eyes were red from crying. Troy couldn't stand the thought of losing what he had gained in such a short length of time.

Rias: This is.... unheard of before... Akeno we have to research this

Akeno: Yes President

Troy: What do you want me to do

Rias: *Laughs* Your not doing anything. In fact you won't even leave my sight. First you go training behind my back and now this happens. Its too risky to let my Lightning Prince be on his own

Troy: ... What have I gotten myself into

Thanks for reading! Remember to join the discord for perks (just friend me and I'll add u my tag is Beerus-Sama#3696) and to vote on the part if you enjoyed it! Until next chapter!

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