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Author Note: After posting on my message board I decided that at the very least, I would post the revision of the first chapter so that you guys can see the transformation this story has taken. I've said it once, I'll say it until I run out of air, you guys are the reason this book is what it is. 


In the year 2034, the country known as the United States of America fell to ruin. For a year, the nation known as the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave was a lawless place. Without a name or functioning government, anarchy was inevitable. This year is documented in history as the Dark Times. After a year of chaos and unrest, a new political party, the National Democracy Restorationists (or NDR) rose to power. From the ashes of America, grew the Republic of Elysia, a nation that prospered.

Thirty-five years after the Dark Times, Eli Atwood, Jonah Atwood, Opal Avila, Ruben Foster, Juniper Gridley, Junius Gridley, Rhody Heaton, Asher Isaacs and Kira Juno tell their story. From these nine accounts, you will learn of the events that took place on an island off Elysia's coast in the year 2070.

Content Warnings: sexuality, language, violence, mention of suicide and sexual assault, self harm, death


CHAPTER 1: A Genesis

Opal Avila


Out of the few things I could remember, the screams were the worst. The sound of explosions ripping through the air came in at a close second. Everything happened so fast. One minute I was with Reni in the Cadayna Square, the next I was running for my life. As soon as the chaos started, I lost her now she wasn't here with me. Not that I knew where here was.

When I woke up I thought I was dreaming. But everything was too real and I felt too scared for this to just be a nightmare. By the way my chest tightened as soon as I took a breath, it was clear that it was freezing. I couldn't feel my hands and my face was numb in the icy air.

I panicked. I crawled through the snow, out of the clearing where I had woken up and took shelter behind a cluster of thick bushes. The fear of not knowing where I was, or how I had gotten here pushed every other thought out of my head. I couldn't focus on anything but the fact that I had no control or understanding of my situation.

I pulled my knees into my chest, gasping for air as tears welled up in my eyes. My body shook from fear and the cold. Every negative emotion thundered around my head, making my eyes go fuzzy and my brain go numb.

There had to be something here that I could use to figure out where I was. I pulled at the coat I was wearing, searching the pockets for a phone, keys, wallet, anything. But nothing. All of the pockets were empty, and the pants I was wearing didn't have any. That's when I realized that I didn't own thick black pants. Nothing I was wearing belonged to me. Not the black coat, not the expensive grey sweater, not the brown snow boots, nothing. Until a few weeks ago, I wouldn't have been able to afford any of this regardless.

Well, a few weeks ago from whenever those bombs went off. I still didn't know how much time had passed since then.

Last I remembered, it was summer, and even then, it never snowed in Emerisle.

What had I missed?

Why had I missed it?

What happened that made me end up here?

I took deep breaths. Contrato y liberación. Contract and release. Contract everything bad, take it in and then release it with a breath. That's all I had to do. And I was an expert at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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