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Juniper and I had been sent off together in the late morning of the following day. She looked slightly disheveled, her hair framing her face and falling out of its usually tidy bun. After Eli told them to stop drinking last night, she and Rhody continued to, probably out of spite. We walked in silence, neither of us knowing what to talk about.

Eli had instructed us to walk as straight as possible, making sure to turn around a few hours before sundown so that we would be sure to make it back. He also told us to be sure to ration the food and water that we had brought with us.

The other groups were Jonah and Ben, Junius and Asher, and Rhody and Eli. I was scared that Rhody and Eli were going to try to kill each other while out walking, and I was positive that Rhody would win. Kira had panicked just before we left and Eli said that maybe it would be best if she stayed back and kept an eye on the house.

"You and my brother seem to be getting along," Juniper said, her voice calm and collected as she ended our so far silent journey. Based on where the sun was sitting I guessed that we had been walking for about two hours.

"I guess so," I replied.

"He doesn't just kick me aside for anyone."

I bit my tongue, not wanting to start an argument.

"Anyways, I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

Oh? "Me?" I was taken aback. I couldn't imagine anything she'd want to talk to me about seeing as this was the first time we were having a one on one conversation.

"Yesterday, what happened to you."


"Please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way," she continued.

Entonces no me hagas.

"You see, I am a licensed therapist, my specialty is working with people who deal with post-traumatic stress disorder and the coping of traumatic experiences."

"I'm not following," I said, lying through my teeth. I didn't need talk about it and I especially didn't want to talk about it with her.

"Opal, I don't mean to diagnose you, but you show a lot of the signs of someone who is dealing with a post-traumatic experience."

I stayed silent, running what she had said over and over in my mind.

"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine but once we get out of here, I recommend maybe consulting someone on-"

"What do you think gives you the right to just- to just say that?" I stuttered.

"Nothing, I'm sorry Opal I was just trying to help," she defended.

"Well stop. I'm not one of your patients. No soy el paciente de nadie! I'm fine!"

"Okay... I just-"

I cut her off. "I especially don't want help from someone who abandoned her brother like he meant nothing to her."

She stopped walking. I turned and looked at her.

"Is that what he told you?" she asked. Her face looked so heartbroken that I almost felt bad for saying what I did.

"From what he's told me, it's what I gathered."

She nodded slowly as she took a step towards me. "Not that it concerns you, but that's not the full story."

"Enlighten me."

She shook her head, pushed past me and continued her stride.

"What's the full story?" I asked, matching my pace with hers.

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