3. Chilling

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We ate and chilled in the room until the game was over. We didnt say anything to each other but it wasnt awkward or anything like I thought it would be. We were weirdly comfortable around each other.

After the game ended I took our plates back into the living room and laid them on the cart. I walked back into the room with the bag of clothes and his shoes.

"So I had a friend go out and get you some clothes so you can wash up and I can treat wounds" I told him handing him the stuff and watched as he pulled them out.

"Thank you" he said putting the clothes back in the bag.

"Your welcome come on" I said walking up to him. He put his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his waist ready to pull him up.

"You ready" I asked him and he nodded so I pulled him up.

"Fuck" he grunted into my ear.

"You good papa come on" I said slowly walking him the bath room.

Once there I sat him on the toilet and started running his shower water. I grabbed him and towel and rag and pulled out my strawberry body wash.

"I hope you dont mind smelling like strawberries cause I dont want you using this hotel soup cause it's ass and this all I got" I asked him looking over at him.

"No it's okay" he mumbled standing up straight and limping to me. 

"Man your tall as hell" I said looking up at him and he jus let out a lil chuckled looking into the mirror shaking his head at his refection.

"Dont worry I got some stuff to put on your bruises and stuff to make the swelling go down and youll be good as new" I said looking at him in the mirror and patting his back.

"Thank you Air I really appreciate you" he said turning towards me.

"Your welcome but ima let you take your shower let me know if you need any help" I said walking towards the door and he just nodded. So I closed the door and headed to the bed room where my bags are.

I pulled out a nice comfy outfit for the day since I was just going to be running around with Dave getting him stuff because I felt like it.

I pulled out a nice comfy outfit for the day since I was just going to be running around with Dave getting him stuff because I felt like it

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After I got dressed I started cleaning up around the room cause I hate a messy ass area. After I cleaned up I made me another plate of that food cause that shit was too good.

As I was putting my plate in the microwave I heard Dave deep voice echo though the room calling my name. So I hurried to the bathroom to find him wrapped in his towel.

"Yes" I asked peeking in.

"Did you get me underwear" he asked looking slightly embarrassed.

"Um no but hold on I might have something" I said quickly leaving out and going back to my suit case finding a pair of my Ethika's preying they would fit this man.

I ran back to the bathroom and opened the door handing them to him.

"They might be too big but if they are aint nun wrong with free balling" I said smiling and he smiled back nodding his head. 

"Let me know when your done and dont put your shirt on I have to put some stuff on your bruises cause I know your sore" I said leaving out.

I went back to my food and sat at the table and started going through emails and stuff. It was mostly just people wanting me to promote their clothes or skin care things just the usual. 

I looked up from my phone see Dave walking in with his jacket, shirt, and shoes in his hands. I got up and went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit then went to my bag to get some moisturizer cause his skin looked dry.

"Sit down here" I said pointing to the couch and he did so.

I went and stood between his legs and started rubbing the moisturizer into his face trying not to be rough.

"You have really pretty skin" I say looking into his eyes for a quick second then back at his face.

"Ma my face covered in bruises you cant see it for real" he said with a slight mug.

"And I can just tell" I say putting the cream on his eyes and lips along with some Vaseline.

"Alright lean back" I tell him and he obeyed. I started putting cream on his bruises that he had on his chest and on his ribs.

"Your tattoos I really nice" I complement.

"Thank you" he said looking don at me.

After im done with that I help him slip on his t shirt, his jacket, and his shoes cause he was sore as hell but who wouldnt be after they just got jumped.

"Alright come on papa" I said holding my hand out for him and he took it.

"Where we going" he asked as I put his arm around me and grabbed my purse.

"To the mall" I said walking us to the door. 

Once we got to in the elevator we got in and Dave leaned up against the wall.

"You okay" I asked him rubbing his arm.

"Tired" he said.

"We can go back and just chill if.." I started but he caught me off.

"No I dont want to stop you from doing what you gotta do" he said giving me a small smile.

"We're going out for you papa" I said laughing pulling him out the elevator.

"What you mean" he said as we stepped out the hotel.

"I'm bout to take you shopping" I sami yelled making him laugh a lil.

"You aint gotta do all that" he said as we got to jeep I rented while Im out here.

"True but why not" I said smiling and he smiled down at me.

I pulled out my keys as he leaned against the car. I unlocked the doors and helped him in and then I hopped into the drivers seat and put both our seatbelts on.



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