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Anyways I'm finna skip through the pregnancy cuz like I wanna finish this before Monday and yes I am gon finish it so let's get into it enjoy y'all grab y'all snacks and shi <3.

{~Btw it's a new year~}

I was sitting outside
Eating some food and all of the sudden my water brokes

Malaysia:ahhhhh! Kobe........Kobe!!!

Kobe:yes ma (screams)
Malaysia:my water jus broke!!!! (Screams)
Kobe:for real!!!
Malaysia:yes hurry!!!!

12 minutes later

-At the Hospital-
Docter: alright ma'am I want you to breath in and breath out everything is gonna be alright okay ma'am
Malaysia:bitch tf you mean "alright" hoe this shii hurts!!! (Screams)
Kobe:bae chill
Malaysia:fuck no
Docter:oh lord the baby is evaporating alright ma'am it's time push in 5,4,3,2,1!
Malaysia:ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! *pushes*
Docter:okay the baby almost out
Docter:and it's out.

Once I saw my baby coming out I started crying cuz I did it through the journey and I couldn't believe I really pushed that hard.
Finally the docter gave me the baby and she was jus adorable (oh and yes it's a girl) 😭
Kobe:she so cute
Malaysia:🥺 omgsh

5 minutes later

Docter:okay so what will y'all name her
Malaysia:I don't really know
Malaysia:*gasps* yazzz!
Docter:okay so halo and would you like to add any middle name on it
Kobe:yes uh HALO nova KYA Morris.
Docter:what a lovely name okay so Halo nova Kya Morris is the Morris the last name or
Docter:okay so far so good uhm I jus need your phone number here and here and put your signature right up here and the baby's name here after that you'll check these questions right here and you'll be good to go sir
Kobe:ight thank you ma'am
Docter:my pleasure and here I added a little note on the side if you don't mind
Docter*smiles* yup
Kobe:tf *whispers*

2 hours later

11:00 am in the night

It was 11 in the night and I was eating my food and Kobe was jus sitting down on the couches wit the  baby or should I say halo jus rocking her like dis

Malaysia:*sigh* life is good
Kobe:I'm obsessed
Kobe:she looks like you
Malaysia:for real thoe
Kobe:shii dis my daughter
For real for real
Kobe:shii halo you finna get spoiled cuh
Malaysia:uh mmtch- don't call my baby that
Kobe:Louie Prada Gucci...Louie Prada Gucci pop dem tags pop dem tags
Malaysia:boi bye
Kobe:bruh if we would've stayed in ATL she could've been a ATL baby no cap cuhhh
Malaysia:where you from again
Kobe:huh- oh here
Malaysia:no like where were you born at like which state
Kobe:I was born in Memphis
Malaysia:*gasps* for real
Kobe:den grew up in ATL wit my dad cuz that's where he was born and that's how I meant kayvion
You know him right
Kobe:yea so den after dat I went back to Memphis to stay wit my mother for like 2 and half years right after that I went back to ATL to finish school but I dropped off college cuz like I was an actor and shii influencer and all
Malaysia:what about Melvin
Kobe:oh Melvin uh he was born in Florida ion kno why but he was jus born there but *clears voice* you got siblings
Malaysia:is you blind
Kobe:I thought those girls were your best friends or sum
Malaysia:no 😭 Cathrine is my cousin uhm Valentina is my blood sister uhm livañita is my sister uh and the rest are jus older I got 4 sisters and 6 brothers and pretty much a big family
Malaysia:ikr 😭 we got alantae {laugh} uhm Devron daMaury
Uh and the other ones I can't remember cuz like they grown as shi
Malaysia:give me her
Kobe:no and it's halo
Malaysia:bitch give me my daughter
Kobe:it's my daughter too
Kobe:wait so when we going back home
Malaysia:tmrw if I can walk good

25 minutes later
Malaysia:Kobe no
Kobe:come on jus one time
Malaysia:no you crazy
Kobe:the baby sleep
Malaysia:well I'm tryna sleep too
Kobe:come on please
Malaysia:breeezo no *giggles*
Kobe:*chuckles* tf did you jus call me
Malaysia:Kbreeezy it's ya Kbreeezo back at it again wit a nother banger you feel me
Kobe:{laughs} tf 😭
Malaysia:shhhshsh you finna wake her up
Kobe:and you finna breast feed her
Malaysia:ugh and I gotta take out the piercing
Kobe:hand them over 👋🏾 cuz you ain't having dem nomoe
Malaysia:fuck no
Kobe:why you got that on when your literally not doing nothing what you onlyfan or sum
Malaysia:*gasps* should I start an only fans
Kobe:fuck no tf you think you is
Malaysia:I could make so much money
Kobe:but your a whole as mother
Malaysia:bae please
Malaysia:imagine how much I will make
Kobe:it don't matter
Malaysia:I'll make it anyways
Kobe:stop no your not
Malaysia:no you stop cuz you finna give me a fucking heart attack
Kobe:bae please
Malaysia:nope I'll make it
Kobe:ight bhet

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