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Hello! And welcome to this lovely book! This is a bit of an explanation on how this will all work!

In this book their are demons and humans. The demons have taken over basically the whole world after a project gone wrong.. Demons capture humans for pets basically.. Not all demons are violent! Demons can release a sent to calm their human down. Once a demon has claimed a human (basically) their sent will be their humans favorite sent of anything really. (Dont ask me how this works I wrote this at 6 am) Oh also these humans actually arent really human ig, some are a type of hybrid but technically still human just have animal like factures. Most humans decide to run once the demons appeared hence not knowing what the demons would actually do. How ever the rest stayed and just complied with what they where told. No matter if it was a lie. Now back to the demons: Demons have two forms, one being a normal human hybrid form where only a small portion of there demon form shine through. (Horns, fangs, tails, basic stuff) Their second form is their true demon form! Every demon has a different one. Its hard to tell what form a demon will have till they trigger it. No one knows how they get these forms or how the forms are the way they are (meaning that no one knows how they get these specific traits.) How demons claim humans is very interesting if you ask me. Demons must be around the human(s) for two days straight for there body's to identify the human properly. Demons brains basically work like a machine their brain can identify anything if it is around it long enough. Living things take longer to identify. Demons are very possessive over things they are attached to. Also all demons purr when happy no matter what type of demon they are. 

Demons can see well in the dark. Their eyes also give off a soft glow in the dark as if a light was shun in their face. Some demons have birth marks that interesting enough look like they got tattoos but not many have them. The demons dont really need to sleep they need to sleep at least twice a month for at least 5 hours and they will be fine till they need to sleep again.

Now onto how the humans work. These so called humans really are hybrids but mostly look human. Everyone has a type of animal traits. Some are part goat. Some cats or dogs. The list goes on. But none are like the demons so there for they are called humans even though they are human hybrids. Most humans like I have stated before ran and hid from the demons in the forest and wilderness near them. If a human is found they are made a pet even though they are treated as equals but the demons are more possessive over their human. I know it makes no sense but what I mean is they are equals but have to be looked over as if they where a pet if that makes sense. I think that is it for that- Oh and this is inspired by someone from a discord server I am in but the details about the demons are inspired by 4g0tmyname ! Their book is called Demons and its really good! Now on to who is humans and who is demons >:)

Mumza (Kristen)
Humans (kinda):

Now for ships in this story >:)

*Idk the name for Dadza and Mumza so insert name here*

Now for just duos bc yesss

Blond Duo (Tommy and purpled)
U h whatever name Niki and Techno's duo is- cause I like their friendship :>
Um yeah whatever the rest are lol-

NOW! HAVE FUN WITH THIS BOOK! (updates will take a long time bc I have three other books one I havent even made chapters for yet so yeah you will have to wait but you can read my other books if you want :D) 

Till next time my ducklings! ~Love, Mother/author

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