The start of it all...

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The lab was dim.. The scientists where working on a new government run project.. The project was called project d3m0n they had to get access to the demon realm and take one, they where instructed by the government to get one and do experiments. They all didn't have a choice or else they would be shot... They opened a portal but it went wrong. The portal started to make the room hot and glowed.. A demon walked through the portal then the room went dark...

<few weeks later>
The demons have started to take over the lab first and started to spread. They figured out how to open portals in the other parts of the world. Demons quickly took over but they aren't like you think. Everyone thought demons are cruel creatures but really they are just like everyone else. Demons are actually more secluded then most which is why they have their own said world. The 'humans' got scared when the demons arrived...lots of people fled from their homes and went into hiding leaving there houses to the demons. Many family's ran and hid in the woods. Along with other people. A lot stayed and just excepted it all.. The demons made it like a sport to capture people from their new world they where in and kept them as so called pets...

<months later: Tubbo's POV>
I was sitting by a tree as Wilbur was standing in a stream waiting for fish to get close. I watched as Wilbur bent down fast and grabbed something from the water with a splash.

"TUBBO CAN I GET HELP WITH THIS FISH?!" Wilbur shouted over his shoulder. I scrambled to my feet and ran into the water. "Hold it as still as possible, ok?" The older brunette said grabbing a switch blade.

"Ok please don't stab me..." I said as I held the fish. Wilbur rolled his eyes before he stabbed the fish causing it to stop moving.

"Thanks," Wilbur said taking the fish from me. I nodded and we walked back to the streams bank.

Also if your wondering yes my family is part of the population that ran from the demons. I was about 5 when we ran away.. that was 15 years ago... my parents left when I was 15 to go find resources but never came back so I have been surving by myself for a few years till I meet Wil, he has been helping me a bit and I have been helping him. We plan on going to find resources soon..

"Hey Tubbo, can you go get some wood? I'm going to prep the fish to be cooked," the brunette asked me from where he sat with the fish laid on a rock.

I nodded, "Ok Wilbur!" I walked off to go gather wood for the fire.

<few minutes later>
I was picking up some smaller sticks after I had an arm full of small logs when I heard a branch snap behind me. I turned around on my heels quickly and looked around. I just saw a deer who stared at me for a moment before running off back into the woods. I sighed in relief as I picked up a few more sticks and walked back towards where me and Wilbur stayed. I walked back to the small clearing and saw Wilbur just set his knife down.

"Hey Wil I got the wood!" I said walking over to where we usually had fires to cook.

Wil smiled and got up, "great! Can you set it up while I rinse me hands off in the stream?" He asked walking to the waters edge.

"Of course I can Wilbur I was going to do it anyways," I laughed setting the logs in a way so they will stay lit. I then set the sticks to the side if we need more to burn.

Wilbur walked over to me with a flint and a rock. I took them and started to try and get a spark to catch the wood on fire, I had placed a really dried out piece of wood in the center that would catch easy. Once I got the fire going we waited for the logs to catch before Wilbur put the fish over it to cook.

"Wilbur I never asked but... where you always out here alone..?" I asked with caution.

The older sighed, "no.. I use to have a friend I was out here with but she got taken by a demon.. it tried to get me also but I got away." He said looking at me.

"Oh... well I'm sure she is ok Wil!" I said trying to reassure him. He just nodded before he checked on the fish.

<a few hours later>
Me and Wil sat by the fire as the sun started to set on the horizon. The sky was colored orange, pink, purple and had a hint of green on some places.

I sighed, "the sky is so pretty..." I said looking over to Wilbur who was tending to the fire, he looked up and nodded.

"It is very beautiful indeed. The colors are very vibrant..." the older brunette replied.

We watched the sunset then watched the stars slowly appear in the sky. Wilbur deemed it was time to put the fire out and start moving to another location. Every few nights we will move location as to not get caught by demon hunters. Wilbur is scared of the demon hunters really. Not demons but the hunters scare him. I'm scared of demons in general, I haven't seen one before but they seem scary... Wilbur put the fire out and we gathered what we had. We started walking west, we walked silently other then our feet snapping twigs here and there. I was having a hard time focusing on where we where walking. I didn't realize Wilbur stopped. I bumped into him, I was about to speak before he made motion to infront of us.

I saw a a faint glow of eyes. There where two pairs. One was just green and was lower then the second pair was emerald green and ruby red. They seemed to be higher up then the pure green eyes. They where staring right at us when one lunged at us....

To be continued...

I really hope you enjoyed the chapter! Take care my lovely readers/children! ♡ Till next time..

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