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>recap< I walked over to his desk and looked at the things again. Soon I felt like I was being stared at, at first I brushed it off but after a while it felt like the thing staring at me was closer...

[Tubbo's POV]

I turned around and screamed when I saw Ranboo behind me. The demon was leaned forward slightly with his arms behind his back and held tilted. Once I screamed he screamed and jumped back. It was clear we had scared eachother in that moment. There was running coming down the hallway and the door swung open with Tommy and Wilbur both running in and stopping.

"What happened!? Tubbo you ok??" Wilbur asked in a panic as he rushed over to me.
"What the fuck is going on? Why did you both scream?!" Tommy approached Ranboo and I began to laugh at the situation.
The two worried guys stared at me confused while I fell to my knees laughing. Wilbur crouched down in front of me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Tubbo? You alright there?" He asked gentally and I nodded a bit still laughing.
"Ranboo explain please since you are the only one out of you two who isnt laughing," Tommy said to Ranboo who just sighed.
"I was seeing what the human was doing at my desk like anyone would do. When he turned around i scared him and he scream and uh- when he screamed to be truthful it scared me as well so I screamed as well," Ranboo explained while i kept laughing. Tommy and Wilbur sighed, probably disappointed. I laid on the floor and tried to stifle my laughter, I assume the others just watched as I pretty much died. I began to calm down and I slowly stood from my place on the floor, taking keep breaths letting small giggles out.

"You done now human?" The tall heterocromic (is that a word?) asked looking at me. Tommy snickered and Wilbur looked a tad annoyed with me being referred to as 'human'.
"Yeah but I got a name ya know dEmOn," I mocked crossing my arms. He snarled at me, his tail flicked which I only had just noticed was there.
"Hey uh- Tubs, is it okay if I call you that? Anyways he may not need sleep but when he does he is not a morning person sooo- i would watch it.." Tommy the blond demon stood next to Wilbur said. I nodded and looked at Ranboo again.
"Ranboo can you please use my name and stop calling me human- hell im not even full human!" I said throwing my arms up which Wilbur laughed at and I glared at him.
Ranboo rolled his eyes at me and shook his head, "fine. But for the love of XD stop being hyper for at least an hour."
"Awesome seems like you two are gettign along uhhh- I'm going to take Wilbur to find Phil or Kristen because they technically 'own' him I guess- still dont understand those kinda rules in our culture but whatever! Bye!!" The blond demon said taking Wilbur by the wrist and pulling him out.
"Be safe Tubbo!" The older brunette shouted.
"I will!" I said back before the two disappeared out the door.

I looked at Ranboo for a moment and I began to circle him just trying to figure out what features he has. He looks relatively normal, he has a long black tail with seemingly a pointy end. I looked towards his head noticing a white and a black horn, which was pretty interesting.
"What are you doing.." Ranboo finally asked as I kept inspecting him.
"Just figuring out what I gotta be careful of I guess. Seeing how scared I should be if you get mad or something." I said stopping infront of him one again.
"Oh these horns and tail arent something to be worried about. My full demon form is what you should be scared of.." I looked at him for a moment.
"As long as you dont get taller I'll be ok."
"I do."
"Fuck. Nevermind then, wont be trying to piss you off on purpose.."
"Good, anyways what are you anyways? Like what animal."
"I'm part goat, got a goat tail, horns that are hiding in my hair because i broke them recently and the funky pupils." I said looking up to meet the demons eyes.
"Ah, I notice the pupils now. Alright good to know good to know.. can you make a goat noise?"

"Sure shortie." I stared at him for a moment before backing up and putting my head down and rammed into his torso and bleted like a goat at him. I furrowed my eyebrows looking up at him. "Okay that kinda hurt.. also seems like you can. Interesting." I huffed and crossed my arms taking a step back from the taller. My tail twitched which was the first time I noticed my tails movement in a while. For so long I ignored my goat features due to the fact, they didnt matter when outside. Well they didnt really matter to me over all because they didnt do much for me. Sure my tail helps me balance better but my horns dont do much since im not head butting people at all. Ranboo just sighed and walked over to his dresser. I rolled my eyes and went to sit on the floor by the door to wait. Once I got to the door I sat down and took a look at my tattered clothes. I looked horrid and probably smelled like nature but not in a good way. I sighed and started at my lap before I got something thrown at me. I looked up pulling a towel off my head to look at Ranboo.

"Go shower, i tossed you a hoodie and some pants of Tommys that got mixed into my laundry." The demon said turning to look through his dresser again. I looked at the items and stood taking them in my arms.
"Right um I don't know where I could find the bathroom is the problem here," I said looking towards the door furrowing my eyebrows.
"Ah forgot about that, just down the hall uhhh it has a beige colored door," I hummed and opened the door walking out and shutting it behind me. I took a deep breath and let it out in a deep sigh. I began my walk down the hall looking at all the doors, I found a beige one which was the only one in the hall thankfully.. I knocked on it a few times just to see if I got an answer, I may have lived in the forest for a while but im not unmanned. With no reply I opened up the door and stepped in flicking the lights one. I squinted since the light in here was a lot brighter then Ranboo's room and the hallway. I shut the door and set the clothing items down on the counter top and noticed the mirror. I looked at myself and scoffed at my reflection, my hair was a mess and I had a few healing scratches on my face. I couldnt tell if I had dirt on my face but I probably did still.

I sighed and walked over to a bathtub shower thing. I looked at it before looking at the nob.. handle things to turn on the water. I didnt know what was hot and what was cold sooo guess I will find out. I turned one of them and the spout to fill the tub started having water flow out of it. I blinked and reached down pulling up something and the water stopped, well till i got sprayed with the water from the shower head for a brief second. I stepped backwards and let out another sigh.
"Why is this stuff so difficult to remember," I spoke shaking my head. I put a hand under the water coming from the shower head and pulled it back when it was freezing cold. I grumbled and leaned forward and turned the other nob thing which was probably hot water and turned the cold one right a bit to have less cold water coming out. I waited for it to warm, after putting my hand under feeling it getting warmer.

I took off my tattered clothes and stepped into the hot water, I flinched and let my body adjust before putting my head under the water. It felt nice having the warm water against my skin for once after a long time. I stood under the water letting it soak my hair before actually washing it and the other stuff.

Once i was done i shut the water off making sure it wouldnt drip and stood there for a moment, my body shivered at the cold air of the bathroom before i got out and dried off and changed into the clothes given to me. I looked in the mirror again and noticed my hair was still a bit damp and grabbed the towel again and violently rubbed it on my head to dry my hair more, once i took it off looking at my reflection again i laughed at how my hair stuck out in random directions, it was slightly curly and i ran my hand through it, the scratches on my face looked a bit red seeming like they where mad at me. I shook my head and left the bathroom, first i picked up my old gross clothes and the towel holding them separately. Walking back to Ranboo's room was a bit.. tedious since I didn't really knoe how long I was in the bathroom, once i got to the door i knocked and waited. There wasn't and answer so I opened the door and found no one to be in there, i walked in and put the towel in a basket of what seemed to be dirty clothes considering they where balled up. I then left still holding my old clothes and started looking around for where everyone was.

This is the end of this chapter sorry i havent been active. IM NOT DEAD THO! Anyways take care my ducklings till next time! ~mother/author.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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