Chapter the Second

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"Attention, Your Highness!"

Princess Ellius flinched at the bark. "Yes, Madame Orlinda?"

"Concentrate! Today's lesson is not about gazing off into Time's space. We will practice your walk!" Madame Orlinda's beak nose appeared at the princess's side. The thick walking cane slid under Ellius' chin, lifting it level. She placed several heavy books on top of Ellius' head.

"Now, walk in a straight line, keeping your eyes fixed ahead of you. Keep your pace to my rhythm. And—one, two, three—"

Ellius walked forward, the cane keeping her chin up. Each step matched the rhythm of Madame Orlinda's gloved fingers snapping out the rhythm. 

One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.

In fact, she had to walk in a slight kicking movement with her feet to keep herself from tripping up on the gown's edges. Subtle, not like a prancing horse. She kicked the gown while managing to glide over the floor. Glide. Glide. Don't trip up face-first on your dress. Look straight ahead. Look at nothing else. Hold your chin high.

As she graced the opulent ballroom of the royal palace like an overstuffed peacock, she found herself ensnared in the relentless routine of her dancing lessons. Her tutor, a stern and exacting figure, paced the room with an air of authority that bordered on tyranny. With each step, the Madame barked commands like a hound on the hunt, her voice echoing off the gilded walls.

"One, two, three. One, two, three, and stop. Turn on your heels. Do not bow your head. Keep it level, and walk back. One, two, three. One, two, three."

She nearly tripped. "Oof!"

"Don't turn sharply!" Madam Orlinda screeched. "Instead, turn in a wide U shape!"

Could I not kick the skirts out of my way? Ellius thought through gritted through while she was attempting to smile and not to strangle Orlinda's infernal neck. She floated down the marble floor, her dress billowing behind her. Madame Cornelia walked in perfect time next to her, snapping her fingers.


Ellius paused, and turned around in a U shape, despite the heavy fabric twisting around her ankles, and the contraption called a corset that crushed her ribs.

"Good. When a princess enters the court, she may be asked to dance with her ladies or dance with a suitor. You know that rules of when holding a court?"

"Sit still. Be regal, and do not slouch. Converse with your court and entertain your guests." Ellius avoided mentioning the time she fell asleep when the musicians played, drooling on her mother's sleeves.

"Correct. You have mastered your step, so we will retrace your waltzes for tonight."

Ellius tried to hide her grimace. Her feet her throbbing like hell in her jewelled shoes. "Which ones?"

Viennese, Geschwindwalzer, Valse a Trois Temps..." She ran an endless list of waltzes through Ellius' ears. "Then the minutes, passacaglia, quadrille, allemandes, and voltas." Ellius groaned softly. She hated dancing with men or with ladies who always looking to stab one another in the back. Just to gain a glass heart to live a little longer.

The cane cracked through the air and connected with her rump. Ellius yelped at the stinging pain.

"Pay attention, Your Highness!" Orlinda bawled into her ear.

Ellius wondered if she died from deafness rather than her glass heart cut out. Her ears were ringing.

"Y—yes?" she muttered, touching her backside.

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