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WORST holiday ever.

By now, he should be already on a ski lift, waiting for his ass to be dropped on a snow-covered peak and then, dash his way down, afterwards. But no, unlike his friends who already left yesterday for the holidays - he's stuck here.

Stuck inside Hogwarts, wandering through the hallways by himself. All alone. With literally no one, okay maybe except for the house elves. Seeing as, even the professors and house ghosts all ditched the dimly-lit school for a warm spot by the fireplace, drinking hot-cocoa while snow falls down the roof of their houses.

This sucks. Void of fun.

If only his father didn't have to fuck things again, then he…then he would've been home by now, enjoying his mother's cooking or maybe having fun with his younger brother.

It sucks that he has to have a prideful and a total jerk of a father, who couldn't even at least try to give in for his wife. Instead, he lets the small problem turn into a big one. San doesn't know what problem arose in their household again, but he's sure it was enough for his parents to not be on speaking terms.

Now, who wants to spend their holidays like that? Definitely, not San. That's why he preferred he'll just stay at school.

He might be all alone, but at least he could get a peace of mind.

But that's what he thought.

With an audible gasp, the Slytherin boy halts in his steps when he sees he wasn't the only person inside the Great Hall.

Because there inside, was her. Arin Bramwell. The Ravenclaw girl that his friends were cryptically teasing him about the other day. Who's now mirroring the same look on his face. Probably also thinking that she's the only one left in the school.

As if sensing that he was about to step out, turn around, and head back to the dungeon, where the Slytherin common room is, the girl speaks.

"Please, if you want to eat here, don't let my presence stop you. I was leaving anyway." Arin told him aloud, but still soft in a way that had San surprised.

It was his first time hearing her speak to him and seeing her up close.

Perhaps, San's face was heating up now, but we don't speak about that.

"A-Alright." Was the only thing he was able to say before he looked away and made his way to his usual spot on the Slytherin table.

He hasn't even fully seated yet, but he already heard the faint clicking noise of shoes coming in contact with the hard floor. When he turns his head around, he spots Arin leaving the hall already.

She didn't lie when she said she's leaving. San thought, and maybe, just maybe, he was a little bit disappointed.

Nevertheless, he started eating, in silence.


With your heart pacing and your mind racing, you were panting when you arrived inside the Ravenclaw common room.

You were even close to cursing the eagle for asking a ridiculously difficult riddle at such crucial times. Your head constantly whipped around, just trying to make sure Choi San hasn't followed or caught up to you.

What's with him that's got you all worked up, you say?

First of all, everybody knows him. Who wouldn't? When he's a Pure-blooded Slytherin. Not only that, but you've heard stories of him. That although you haven't spoken to him nor interacted with him, not until earlier at the Great Hall, you knew of the tricks and curses he's pulled at every student his eyes land on. So that leads to the second point; 

Choi San, is nothing but trouble. If trouble was a person, it would've been him.

But he certainly wasn't like that at the hall earlier though… he looked...flustered.

And so? What if it was an act? You know all the things people say about him. And it only spells one word - trouble. The little devil in you counters, making you sigh.

Now that you know you'll not be the only soul roaming Hogwarts for a good whole week, you think it's best to just stay in your room and read a book until the holidays are over.

Yeah, that's what you're going to do.


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