What I Would do to Keep You by my Side~|| Leorio x Kurapika

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"I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along. Now in its place is something new, I hear when I think of you."


The party was lively and all were indulging in what the star-filled night had to offer.

To be honest, it confused Leorio how the light pollution didn't cover those stars up, but I guess light pollution didn't matter when you were in the top penthouse on one of the highest buildings in York New City. One of his filthy rich colleges invited him to his penthouse for a big party. There are definitely perks to being a big-time doctor with connections but right now those connections don't seem that amazing. All these gemstones and expensive gold began to lose their shine.

But without him here everything always loses its glimmer and glow.

Leorio heavily sighed tipping his flute glass letting the overly expensive champagne fill his stomach and hopefully intoxicate his head. Everyone was enjoying themselves and there he was, mopping around for someone he fell in love with.

"This would be much better if you were here." 

He slouched on his chair twirling the glass in his hands and staring at the surface of the bubbles. 

"If you missed so much maybe you could have visited me." A voice called out to him.

Leorio could recognize that pretty voice that always had that sarcastic undertone. His eyes widened as he turned around quickly almost spilling the champagne on his suit.

"Kurapika." He said thoughtlessly.

It's been so long since he's called his name like this. He stared at the Kurta who was wearing some formal attire. He looked good in a suit.

"It's not like you didn't know where I was, and yet last visited me 2 years ago." The blonde complained yet he didn't seem mad. He wore one of his rare smiles as he looked at Leorio. 

"It was a bit difficult for me to come to see you. Sorry Kurapika, but how long will you be here?" 

"Just for tonight. Then I'll leave again." Leorio was expecting that answer. He just wished he was able to spend more time with Kurapika before he had to go. This is how it's been since the moment they met, and it won't change anytime soon. 

"I see." He was disappointed. The black-haired man turned around in his chair and slouched again. Though the cushions on the chair were soft you could still feel the wood poking at his back. He began to dread the back pain he'll get from this damn chair. His posture wasn't gonna help him either. Even so, he got comfortable spreading his legs and letting his left arm rest on his stomach. Kurapika sighed. He walked around him and sat on the empty chair with a black jacket hanging on the back.

"Wouldn't it be better to make the most of the night instead of mopping around?"

Leorio blatantly ignored him and went to drink some more champagne. The blonde -a bit annoyed- grabbed the glass from his hands and set it down on the table. Leorio jerked his head up as if he could actually get angry at the Kurta. Just seeing his face made all his irritation vanish.

"Won't you ask me to dance?" 

The blonde was being very foward today and Leorio didn't know what to say. He just stared at Kurapika contemplating his offer.

A minute passed by.

"Why not. This might be the only time I would actually be able to." He sighed as he got up grabbing the glass once again and taking the rest of the champagne in one go. He put his glass down fixing his expression and offered his hand to Kurapika.

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