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*The day before...

Jeongyeon drove the car and stopped at an empty lot. There was already a car waiting for her. As soon as she stopped the car, she got out of there and got into the car next to her.

“How are you?" Jeongyeon asked.

“Superfine." The woman next to her answered.

“I heard you were aiming for the higher position. Want me to help?" Jeongyeon asked.

”Do you know someone from the tv station where do I work?” the woman asked.

“Aniyo, but I know what case you have to handle next." Jeongyeon gave her a flash drive.

“What's this?" asked the woman.

“Ahn Jihyuk." Jeongyeon answered which made the woman surprised.

“Are you crazy?? the presidential election is coming soon." Said the woman.

“The sooner you deal with it, the better you got. Do you want this country to be led by a murderer?" Jeongyeon asked.

“Since when do you care about politics?" asked the woman.

"Right now it's about my family's future." Jeongyeon replied.

“Then why not report to the police?" asked the woman.

He collaborates with big businessman Choi Siwon so that he has a supply of money to keep the police shut. Inside is the financial report of the club owned by Choi Siwon. His income is almost 10 million won per night from 5 branches but he is always in arrears on taxes and buys alcohol illegally. He leads high-profile gangsters who make money by selling illegal weapons and drugs. They buy them from China and sell them to the military." Jeongyeon said.

“Mwo??" Shocked the woman.

“Yeah, they have a plan B, they're not stupid. They know that based on current conditions, it won't be possible to get the people's vote. The people want the current president to serve 2 terms so they cooperate with the number three presidential candidate who is a general in the army. If president Park Jisung returns to the office, they will accuse the voting commission of cheating and stage a coup." Jeongyeon said.

“J-jeongyeon-ah, how did you know all this?" asked the woman.

"I watched him for a whole week with Qatar spy technology. All his activities, his conversations, his meetings with presidential candidate number 3, were there." Jeongyeon said while pointing to the flash drive in the woman's hand.

“I know it's illegal. I'm just telling you so you can understand how serious this matter is. You must help us as soon as possible." Jeongyeon asked.

“Of course I'll help you! I'll take care of all this stuff, you don't have to worry." Said the woman.

“Please deal with the police chief first, then Choi Siwon. All the evidence you need is there." Jeongyeon said.

“I'm going to make this news headlines so they won't be able to escape the demands of society." Said the woman.

“Gomawo, Irene-ah." Jeongyeon said.

*10 hours before Siwon was arrested


“Eoh?! what is this?!" The police chief was surprised when so many of his men led by Tzuyu entered his room while he was talking to Daniel.

"Cho Wooshin, Kang Daniel, you are arrested on charges of abuse of power and participation in the murder case committed by Choi Siwon." Tzuyu said.

“M-mwo?!" Surprised Daniel.

“You have every right to be quiet and call your lawyers." Tzuyu said accompanied by several policemen who handcuffed them.




“Rich businessman Choi Siwon is caught in a case of buying and selling illegal weapons, drugs, and alcohol. He is also a suspect in various premeditated murders of several people who have committed suicide recently. All the murder cases are known to have been covered up by the Seoul Police Chief and one of his subordinates. All of Choi Siwon's gangster members are being investigated by the police for their involvement in this case.” The whole team gathered at Jeongyeon's mansion and watched the morning news together.

“This case has spread throughout Korea." Jeongyeon said.

“Yeah, they certainly can't do anything." Nod Momo.

"I didn't think this would actually work." Said Mina.

The South Korean police general gives his opinion on this case. He declares that he will listen to the request of Korean citizens to fire the two police officers. He also adds that he will reappoint and reward the 3 police officers who were fired for knowing the truth about this case. and trying to figure it all out." The news anchor continued, which made everyone in the room cheer with joy.

“Woooooohooo!!" Taecyeon exclaimed.

“It's great to be back at work!" Sana tease.

“Good job guys!" Jeongyeon exclaimed.

“Aigoo-ya, look at those big eyes crying." Nayeon mock.

“Gomawo yorobun hikss, gomawo.." Said Jihyo who was crying.

“Hahahahaha." Laugh them all.

They patted Jihyo's shoulder until the woman felt better.

“I wonder how the old presidential candidate is doing." Kyungsoo said.




"ARRRRRGGHHHHH!!!!" Ahn Jihyuk raged while slamming the contents of his desk.

“Idiot!! this must be the work of that rats!!!" Frustrated the man.

*Dddrrt drrrtt

Ahn Jihyuk's cell phone rang.

“Yeoboseyo?" He said while calming his tone.

“Yowww my man Jihyuk-ah!" Said Jeongyeon from the other side.

“Who's this?" Jihyuk asked.

“Who am I? hahaha I'm the person you really want to meet right now. What do you think about your two friends making the news today?" Jeongyeon asked.

“You?! you bastard!!!" Jihyuk shouted.

“Aigoo-ya, you're so noisy." Jeongyeon complained.

“Meet me at 9 pm at the empty singil-dong building. Let's talk about our little friendship." Jeongyeon said before finally turning off their phone line.

Story by Tyzyxsdibacatizix
Translated by Jeongyeonism_

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