nighter's first appearance Or is it...

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( one midnight night Clementine was trying to walk home alone )

It had been a long day for her as always and this time they really made her stay later than usual they let her out at 11:30 p.m. but still she has a family to take care of she can't be doing this all the time luckily she was close to home she could see it in the distance

Clementine: almost there

(She showed it before hearing something causing the wind to Howl)

(She looked around but noticed there was nothing there)

Clementine: um who's There....???

( she kept looking before turning back around to notice something staring at her with red eyes she couldn't make out what it was but it seemed to be flying it grabbed her back and threw it into the sky )

Clementine: WHAT??? Please Stop THAT'S MY stuff!!!!

( as she tried getting her stuff back the creature picked her up )

Clementine: No no no not good.... ( covers her mouth ) ( eyes start swirling )

Nighter: as expected I wouldn't expect much from a pushover workaholic (rolls eyes) ( let's go of Clementine causing her to fall down at a very high speed )

( Clementine who was still frightened to her view of heights still didn't know what was happening or the Fate that she could have face due to the mysterious creature )

( she continues falling before the creature above her flashes his red eyes at her before flying away into the dark ominous night sky leaving her to fall to her near death )

?????: is that who I think it is right?...

( they look up into the sky seeing the mysterious figure with its red eyes flying up into the Sky )

????: WAIT THAT CAN'T BE!!!!

Ominous figure: Oh but it is Davis.... and you will face his Wrath whether you like it or not it's like that dream you once had only it's slowly becoming your living NIGHTMARE!!!!! ( flashes eyes at the guy before leaving dust in the sky)

( as the dust clears out words could be seen saying Dun Dun dun DUNNNNNN )

????: wait but how can I-

( gets jump scared by the figure and gets taken away )

Ominous figure 2: should have listened to his warnings KID.......!!!!!!

( the screen fades in Zooms in on the second Ominous figures eyes )

what a night for a nigherWhere stories live. Discover now