Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Dizziness, morning sickness and the occasional mood swing are all the symptoms I have been experiencing over the past week. Poor Finn has taken the brunt of most of my changes in mood, but then again, it's his fault that I'm experiencing all of these signs in the first place.

Since discovering I was pregnant, I've also distanced myself away from him and the others, desperately trying to conceal the secret that's yearning for release but sometimes, that's easier said than done. I've still got lessons I need to attend and it just so happens that my boyfriend and two best friends are in the same classes as me.

However, on a more positive note, today is the day my dad is coming home! He's made incredible progress over the past few days and they came to the conclusion that he could be discharged later today. Myself and Sian are going to collect him after school and she's going to be staying with us for a couple of days, partly because she doesn't want there to be so much pressure on me to do everything by myself.

But before all that, I had a full day of lessons to get through, despite feeling like absolute crap. The four of us were currently sat in English, listening to Mr. Budgen ramble on about the importance of using evidence to back up a point you've made. Although, my brain was on another planet, unable to retain any information. Noticing how distant I was being, Finn whispered:

"Is everything alright, babe? You look as if you're on another planet."

"I'm fine..." I replied softly, focusing my attention back onto Mr. Budgen. "I'm just excited to see my dad later on." I smiled falsely, knowing that he'd believe it.

"Byrne, Sharkey...cut the chat!" Mr. Budgen yelled, annoyed that we'd disrupted him.

"Sorry sir..." I sighed, picking up my pen and beginning to take down notes, knowing that they would benefit me in the upcoming exam.

Trying my hardest to focus, I managed to make it through the remainder of the lesson. I'm hoping today goes quick because the only time I seem to feel at ease is when I'm away from the guy who I should be excited to be around.

Also, if I don't make a decision about this baby soon, my relationship will end up failing because of it and that's the last thing I want to happen.


It's finally the end of the day and I have to say, it's gone by pretty quickly. I've managed to keep down a small amount of food, the dizziness I've been feeling has been non-existent and I've managed to keep the mood swings under control.

Quickly saying goodbye to Finn and the others, I strolled down the corridor to Mrs. Diamond's classroom, seeing her sat at her desk marking some books, which I presumed were from her last lesson of the day.

Knocking gently upon the wooden door, I heard her voice call, "Come in...", allowing me to push open the door and step inside, closing it softly behind me so I didn't disturb her too much.

"Hello Lindsay..." She greeted, briefly making eye-contact with me. "Just let me finish this marking and then we'll go. Is that okay?" She queried, obviously thinking I was in a rush.

"Of course, take your time..." I smiled, taking a seat upon one of the stools at the front of the classroom.

While waiting for her to finish her job, I pulled out a small notepad and pen from my bag, doodling onto the paper to pass the time away. I don't know whether it was just irony but I couldn't stop myself from drawing baby related things; including a rattle and a bottle. If I choose to continue with this pregnancy, this would be my reality, plus being covered in baby sick and having dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep.

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