Chapter 3

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[After timeskip, when Zoro had cut the ship and landed on the island where Sanji was standing.]

(Zoro's p.o.v.)
Ever since I was a kid, I had always been training to better myself as a swordsman to become the best. I had never thought of anything else. All I had was just a dream. Two years back when Luffy first invited me to be a pirate, I thought it would be a nice way to kill time. However, then I learnt something. I met a bunch of people who, just like me, had a dream they followed. And very soon these people became my friends... rather, my family. We all felt the same way. I learnt that one could have a family no matter their past or their ambition. I found people whom I could trust and have fun with and we could pursue our dreams together. And then finally, amongst them, I found a treasure... and here he was standing in front of me.

His mind is filled with questions and it is written all over his face. For two years, I did not think of this face in order not to feel any pain. It was like a cut that was made so fast that it did not bleed. But now that I can see him at last, it is bleeding. And it is bleeding severely. My heart is aching. Why is looking at him so painful? Just how much pain had I been ignoring these past two years? How badly had I been wanting to see him without realising it?

I can't suppress it anymore. I know he'll not allow me but I still want to touch him. I want to embrace him. I can't endure this pain.

"Shitty marimo! Why did you have to cut the ship?", he said. His voice was enough to intensify my emotions. I grabbed his hand and was about to take him someplace where there was less people but to my surprise, he slapped my hand away. A sudden fear crept into my mind as I turned to look at him. He does not look angry. Rather.. he looks just as surprised as I am. And yet, he looks a little embarrassed. Is he blushing?  Why this idiot! Don't blush!! ... I grab his forearm this time and walk briskly to find a quieter place. "Where are you going shitty swordsman?" I kept walking without giving a reply. "Oi what happened where are we going and what happened to your eye?" His voice seemed a little concerned, surprised and nervous. "We can have that discussion later", I replied still walking as I held his arm. "Which direction are you going idiot? We'll get lost like this!" he shouted. We had finally reached a place with only a few people. I took him in a narrow alley between two shops and pinned him against the wall, my hands gripping his upper arms. "Then you'll just have to take us back to the ship", I answered. This only made him blush more. Even after two years, he hasn't changed much. He definitely has more muscle now.. and a beard. His hair is covering his right eye. His behaviour is still the same. He still calls me names.... "Let me go or else we'll be late", he protested as he struggled in my grip.... It is still paining. I'm so happy to see this damn Cook that it's painful. He hasn't changed. Especially those ocean eyes. All Blue right? That's what you want to find. That's your dream. Ironic, isn't it? Because I've already found mine...

(No p.o.v.)
Sanji: *awkward* Stop staring like that--
Zoro put his hand behind Sanji's head and pulled him closer. Sanji felt a lump in his throat as he saw the intense look in Zoro's eye who was proceeding to claim his lost possession.

(Zoro's p.o.v.)
I can hear his irregular heart beats. His lips taste the same as before. He is still struggling a little so that I let him go. But I can't and he knows it very well. I slide my tongue inside his mouth. He still tastes like cigarettes and he still has the familiar slight smell of food. It feels like I've returned home. And yet, I am so restless. He is too addictive to let go. I can't believe how I spent these last two years. His breath is so warm and so is his mouth. I can feel his ear burning where my hand is touching it. The craving inside me is growing and his feeble moans of resistance are not helping...

(No p.o.v.)
Zoro pressed his thigh slowly between those of Sanji's, still kissing him fervently. The next moment, Sanji pushed him away, breaking their kiss. "What the hell do you think you are doing!? This isn't the time or place!", Sanji shouted. Zoro finally got out of his trance. He looked at Sanji's furious but embarrassed face for a few seconds as he tried to calm his inner turmoil. He tried to control his desire and at last embraced the cook with both hands. Zoro buried his face in Sanji's shoulder and said in a helpless voice, "I want you Cook. For two years I've done nothing except training. I didn't think of anything else this entire time so that it wouldn't hurt and focused only on my training. But now, when I finally saw you, the desire which I had been ignoring all this time has grown to be so overwhelming. I didn't realise how much I missed our stupid fights, your sarcastic comments, your voice, your food, your taste or your smell. I've missed you so damn much and I have been subconsciously overlooking all of those painful thoughts these two years. I don't want to let you go now.... I'm so starved ...shitty cook!" Hearing the pain in his voice while he said the last few words was equally painful.

(Sanji's p.o.v.)
He is squeezing me so tight. He is so immature just like a kid. You can't always have what you want exactly when you want it. I'm just as hurting as you are, idiot. But this is not the time. And why would you say that you're starved in that painful voice? It's frustrating. And yet, it feels like a void inside me is filling up... I'm so glad...

(No p.o.v.)
"What do you think I've gone through these two years?" Sanji replied after sometime, which made Zoro's pupils dilate. "I'm just as miserable as you are..." Sanji continued candidly in a low voice. "We've waited for two years right? Let's wait for two more days." Zoro raised his head from Sanji's shoulder and protested "two more days? Why can't we just do it now?"
S: Why are you such an idiot? Do you think this is the right time or place for all that?
Z: Why? Should we rent a place or something?
S: You muscle-brained dumbass! Almost all other members have already reached this place. I was the 7th one. We will soon have to depart and here you are acting like a spoiled brat!
Z: Why didn't you come sooner then?
S: *pissed* How would I know that you would lose your way and end up reaching here first?
Z: I didn't lose my way!
S: I know you did, you shitty stray marimo! Now stop this nonsense and let's go back.
Z: tsk
Zoro frowned and looked away annoyedly. But he was not moving from the spot. "He really is an immature brat", Sanji thought. They stood there like that for a few seconds. "Hey, now don't make that sad face" Sanji sighed and held Zoro's face in his hands who was still looking away. Sanji pulled his head closer and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. Zoro blushed a little but still maintained his displeased expression. "Others are waiting so let's go back for now." Sanji pleaded. Zoro slowly turned to walk back and said, "Curly eyebrows", in a provoking manner. Sanji only replied in a defeated voice ,"yes, I know."

They were walking back and once in a while Zoro, with his great sense of direction, was getting lost every single time Sanji was not looking at him even if it was for a few seconds. Sanji said,"Oi marimo head, you gotta stay with me. I don't want you getting lost." "Huh? Look who's talking, mustache-eyebrows", Zoro scowled. Sanji shouted, "What the hell did you say?" and the two fought all the way back to the ship :)


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