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"Damon slow down!" Emma trudged through the forest clumsily, trying to keep up with the eldest Salvatore brother. The thick woods that Damon had chosen to lead the young Fell through had been far from difficult to navigate, and the man's long legs had allowed him to move far ahead of the petite girl.

"It is hardly easy to move in this dress, you know" she stated as she hiked up her heavy skirt in an attempt to see where she was stepping. Regardless of her difficulty, the young girl held a smile on her face. The crisp autumn air had allowed for the fallen leaves to dry, creating a crunching sound with every step she took. This was Emma's favorite time of year.

Occasionally she would look up from the ground, trying her best to navigate without tripping. Although she loved the way the dried leaves felt under her feet, they made it increasingly difficult to see the roots and rocks that littered the forest floor. Emma looked up once more, trying to gain an understanding of what was around her. Damon had led her so far that she could see only trees. In fact, she couldn't even see Damon anymore.

"Damon, where did you go?" Emma called out in hopes of finding the Salvatore. She looked around once more, opting to move again to try and catch up to him. "Where did you g-"

She tripped on a root.

A yelp escaped her as she fell toward the ground. The young girl's body collided with the ground before she had time to react. her hands had become scratched from the twigs and rocks and had soon begun bleeding slightly.

"Emma!" A voice called. She looked up to see Damon running up to her, face laced with concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but you really must learn to slow down. I was not blessed with legs as long as yours." She let out a slight laugh, the absurdity of the statement amusing her. Emma looked up to Damon then, a soft smile on her face. The man felt his chest swell at that moment. He held his hand out to her, and she grabbed it.

"Oh, sweetheart, your hands are all scraped up," Damon said as he helped her up. He grabbed them both, examining them closely. "It doesn't look too bad though, nothing I won't be able to fix." He gave her a cocky smile then, one he often used in his own attempts to impress the girl.

"Yes, because you've always been so talented in the field of medicine," she gave her own smile then. Emma often liked to tease Damon, even though she found his cockiness charming. He rolled his eyes and offered her his arm, and she took it. "Where are you taking me anyway?"

"It's a surprise, remember."

"I hate surprises."

"I know, that's what makes it so fun for me."

It was Emma's turn to roll her eyes then. Regardless, she gripped his arm tighter. They didn't get many moments like this, alone, and free to speak at a level above a whisper. It was something the two savored.

They had only begun their friendship a month ago. Before then, they had only ever seen each other in passing. That, or when the Fell's would host Founding Family meetings. Emma was never allowed to join the actual meetings, but she would see him, giving him a small smile every time he would pass her as he entered the meeting room.

Damon would glance at her as they walked. Emma was looking around them, staring at the fiery-colored leaves as they walked. She had always seen the world with intense wonder. He was always so envious of her ability to see the beauty in things he would find ordinary. As he looked at her, he couldn't help but notice the way she held her mouth agape, her lips relaxed into this ever-content "o" shape. He often wondered what incredible things would play in her mind.

Emma would look at him too. She would notice how he always looked straight forward, gaze held intently on their destination. His jaw and shoulders held tensely, she never quite understood why they were always like that. However, she felt he looked impossibly beautiful regardless. She often wondered if he saw her the same way.

Probably not. She would think.

They continued like this for many minutes. A comfortable silence held amongst them as they walked. Eventually, they approached a break in the trees. Ella looked at Damon then, giving a look asking him if this was where he was leading her. He gave her a knowing smirk and nodded. He reached his hand down, lacing his fingers with hers, and began to pull her into the clearing. Emma looked down in an attempt to hide her rosy face.

When she looked up, she saw a small clearing in the woods. The clearing was attached to a lake and was mostly just grass. Towards the edge of the lake, however, was a small, worn-down shack of sorts.

"Why did you bring me here?" asked Emma, looking at Damon.

"I'm not quite sure. I found it last week while hunting with my father and brother. Chased a rabbit and found this place. I thought you might like the calmness of it." Damon shrugged as if he were not confident in the answer. Emma found this endearing, not just because Damon had thought of her, but because he was finally showing some sort of vulnerability around her.

"Thank you, I like it very much." It was then that Emma let go of his hand and began to walk into the clearing. She took the time to observe it as she walked. The different trees that lined the edge of it. The way the grass felt as she walked, the way the lake made the crisp air a little more humid. She decided then that this was her new favorite place.

Damon had not followed her into the clearing. He watched her as she walked head tilted back as she smelled the air, her long neck being exposed through her reddish hair. She look so at peace, and he was afraid that he would ruin the moment for her. Moreso, he was afraid he would ruin her. Although he would never admit to it, he found himself infatuated.

"Damon, are you coming?"

It was her bright voice that broke him out of his thoughts. He didn't respond, however. All he could focus on was the glowing smile she was giving him. Her eyes always crinkled whenever she smiled like that.

"Damon?" she called him again. Finally breaking him from the trance.

"Sorry, I'm coming. No need to be so desperate for my company," he smirked and want to join her by the shack. She rolled her eyes for the second time that day.

Damon finally reached her and sat down underneath the roof of the shack. Emma joined him, adjusting her skirt so it was not so bunched up.

"This place really is beautiful. I bet it is so incredible during the summer. The grass is so brown, but I'm sure it is the most amazing shade of green when it is warm. Thank you again for taking me. I know you probably had better things to do than sneak off with me, but I just want you to know I appreciate it." Emma smiled and continued to talk. She had a strange habit of talking for a long time. Damon suspected it to be a side effect of her creative mind. He never chose to interrupt her, far too entranced in the things she would have to say.

As she talked, however, her hair began to fall into her face. So, without thinking, Damon reached to tuck a strand behind her ear. Her speech ended abruptly then as she felt his warm fingers grace her cheek. She looked up at him, cheeks hot, and stared at him as he smirked.

"It's getting late, we should probably head back before your father notices how long you have been gone," said Damon. He stood and reached his hand to help her up.

"Yes, you are probably right." She took his hand, and they made their way back to the forest.



Ok, so...... the first chapter is done. The first few are going to take place in the 1800s just to set up some background for Emma and her relationship.

In my brain, she is about three years older than Stefan when we start out (so about 20 here). Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!

- mads_is_sad

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