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"I look out across the faces,

Faces that I swear I have seen other places,

They scream at me, and I scream back,

Inwardly though, my composure must never lack,

So, I try to navigate this life I have erected,

But deep down I know I will never perfect it,

This is why I come to you pleading,

Show me how to live a life worth leading,"

"I can help with this Marybelle and maybe more,

I am not all you've got there's others galore,

If you simply look, you can find those places,

Where what you see are only friendly faces,

You say you don't know your worth,

I must confess, your value has been increasing since birth,

Furthermore, just look and you will see,

All the good you have done in response to a lesbian girl's plea,

For you yourself identify so,

Because of you other LGBTQ's have been able to grow,"

"But Doctor Grayson, is it worth it in the end?

If all I have ever felt is my soul utterly condemned,"

"Marybelle Allen, what troubles you face,

But you are not alone, none of us are in this race,

This race of life that some take too fast and others too slow,

It is alright, for if in your heart below,

All that you think is continually wounded, healing will always show,"

"Doctor, I have fought the oppressors who hate what I stand for,

As the first lesbian to get her own column in the Post, I have died more,

But I fear I have died one too many times,

I don't think I have what it takes anymore to keep making only dimes,"

"I know your frustration, personally I do,

But do not ever let it get the better of you,

The oppressors only truly oppress themselves,

For in their quest to hurt others they put their own lives away on shelves,

Look to the simple yellow bumblebee,

As he travels to flowers throughout his life carefree,

But without him the flowers would die,

You are that bumblebee and so am I,

You give life to others by your very existence,

Do not ever let up as you walk the distance,"

"I am lost for words, my kind old Doctor,

Meaning has been lost, my mind locked her,

But you have picked that lock against my time's clock,

Thank you for keeping me from pulling the trigger on my wife's Glock,"

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