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I remember waking up on a bed, or at least that’s what the doctor told me. My skin was flaking and my mouth was dry. I craved food. Wet food. Even greens, the disgusting kind that is stored in cans for two years before older fairies pull it out of their cupboards to stir in a potluck. I would have eaten anything. Even a half dead Carazeg- Probably not. I wasn’t about to go that far. The small, chubby, three horned creature was kind of cute, and I was thinking about going vegetarian.

Once more, needles and tubes crawled down my arms. I sighed, leaning back into the sterile pillow. 

“Katie, huney! You’re awake! My, whe’ve bheen waiting hours fur you to ophen your eyhes.” She had a friendly Northern Reef accent reminded my of my primary school teacher.

“How long was I out?”

“Oh, three hours, aht least.”

“So when could I leave, ma’m?” I asked quietly. I really wanted to talk to Sara about joining the decorating committee for the International ball taking place next year. The last one was so large Mother Nature ordered Sara to start early. 

“Whenhever you whant, shwetie. I betch you don’t wunt to be wulking around with tubes in your shtomak all day.” She hovers over and slowly draws them out. I thank her, and walk to the door.

“What was wrong with me, anyways?”

“Oh, you juhst got dehydrated. To ghet technical abhout it, E94.”

“Oh. Thank you again.” I turn to leave as another nurse flies in. 

“We’ve got another case of E94. This time it’s a music fairy.”

“Oh no, itch not my ghranddaughter, itch it?”

“No, it’s the Queen’s daughter, Lany.”


I breath in and out with the pulse of my heart. Pippi stands behind Sara, who is kneeling down by Lany’s side. Parasela grasps my hand tightly, a lifeless expression plastered on her face. 

Pippi suddenly leaves. A soft murmur comes from the hallway. A doctor follows her back in, and fidgets with the mechanisms. We all turn towards him as he begins to speak.

“Lany will be fine.”

We all let out a large sigh, as if we have been holding it the whole time, which might be true in Sara’s case. 

“But, in her condition, she will have to stay here tonight.”

“That’s fine doctor. I’m sure it will be fine with Mother. Perfect, thank you. Thank you!” Sarah says, relived. 

We turn to leave, but a small cry stops us. 

“Don’t you go any farther.”

“Try me, Sara.”

“I’m going to tell Momma!” Lany shouts back and forth.

“Is Lany... Talking to herself? In her sleep?” Pippi asks suspiciously. 

“Uh, yeah. It’s justadreamshehasonceamonthaboutthehollowwillow she’ll be fine.” Sara replies quickly.

“Slow down, sister. I don’t think any one of us knows what just came out of your mouth.”

“Sorry, but she’s not done yet.”

“Just let me look! All my friends know what it looks like!”

“It’s just a black pit, Lany.”

“Thanks for ruining it.”

“You’re welcome. Now let’s go.”

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