Chapter 13

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Oberoi mansion, 6:20 a.m...

Omkara's pov.....

          I can feel somebody tapping my knee. Not too hard but hard enough to shake it. It means somebody is touching me. Oh my god! Om, just push them away. They might harm you. But I don't want to. I just want to sleep. It feels like I am in coccoon. So warm, so relaxing. The jerking increased and so the panic in my chest. After much effort, I could open my glued eyes.

           But once I opened my eyes, I felt all the effort is worth it. The sight infront of me made my eyes widen in amusement. There she is, Gauri, standing infront of me, with a soft smile on her face. It was not until she started speaking, I realised that I am lying on couch, tucked in a fluffy blanket. I immediately sat upright, pulling down my blanket. It took me few minutes to adjust to my surroundings.I am currently sitting in the Sofa placed in the living room.

           Now, you might ask how I got shifted into this sofa suddenly. But what can I do? After the terrible nightmare I had last night, I puked out all the contents in my stomach. And then, I couldn't sleep at all. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could feel Mamu on top of me. At one moment I felt so dirty and impure that I had to shower once again. Otherwise, the itchy feeling wouldn't leave. After that, I decided to sleep in the living room as it is more brightly lit and spacious.
           And like that, now I am here with Gauri sitting infront of me, smiling.

G: Good morning! Fully awake now?

O: Good morning. Yeah I am.

           Saying this, I gave her a lazy smile followed by a yawn.

O: Gauri! Wh..what's the time?

           She immediately fished out her phone, probably to check the time.

G: Hmmm.....It's going to be 6:30. 6:28 a.m. more accurately.

O: It's early in the m..mmorning. You are so d..dressed up.

           What I said is true. Early in the morning, she is dressed in a beige coloured full sleeved t-shirt, denim blue jeans and a navy blue coloured floral scarf around her neck. She has these heavy ivory jhumkas adorning her ears and a silver bracelet on her right wrist.Normal or abnormal, I don't know, but she is looking very beautiful. Not to forget, the way she pulled up her long hair in a ponytail, now resting on her shoulder.

G: Om! Om! What happened?

         Oh shit! Why am I staring at her like this? Now she might be thinking I am a creep. But she is really beautiful. Should I tell her this? But what if she thinks I am flirting? Hmm...maybe a little bit of flirting is also good. Hmm...fine.

O: l..look very beau...beautiful.

G: What? I mean...

O: I am s..sorry.

G: But why?

          You should've shut up Om. What if she stops talking to you. Rudra is right, I am a dumb head.
No Om , no! No self pity. You are good. No worries. You are not a dumb head.

G: Om, why are you...sorry?

O: Aren't you angry?

G: Why would I be angry?

O: Because I s..said you are beautiful.

G: Haa! What's wrong in that? You didn't call me ugly, right!

GAURI👱OMKARA🙎=A Past -A QuestWhere stories live. Discover now