Chapter 15

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Next morning.....

Gauri's pov.....

          I hate mornings. They always come so quick, disturbing my peaceful sleep. How many hours I sleep, it never seems to be enough. Somedays it takes me all my will power to step out of the bed.
          Today is one of those days. I don't know what time it is but I am still in my bed, struggling to block the bright sunrays hitting my face. It is going to be a sunny day. I will  stay indoors today. I snuggled my face further into the pillow to escape from the sunrays.
         I finally gave up. I sat up with my legs dangling over the edge of my bed. I picked up my phone from my nightstand to check the time. And seeing that it's already 9:20a.m my jaw hung open. Shit! I missed the breakfast. No wonder my stomach is grumbling asking me to give it some food.
          I put my open hair into a messy bun while choosing a dress for the day. I don't know why but despite having so many dresses, it still feel like I don't have enough. I think it is a charecteristic of every young woman to think like that.
        Whatever, I now don't have enough time to conduct a survey regarding thoughts of young woman. I just need to hurry. I just  hope didi will not start a lecture regarding time sense and punctuality, of all people to me. I picked up a simple pale blue top and jeans and rushed into the bathroom.

       Despite rushing downstairs at an inhuman speed, I still had to listen a long lecture from didi about time sense. I quickly stuffed few left over sandwiches from morning and left to meet Om.
      Last night, I really felt very bad for him. The dinner was a mess. Thank god! Both of them left this morning. I can't bear another messier lunch or messiest dinner. I hope Om is fine now.

          I stood at the doorstep of his room and peeked inside. I quickly found him standing infront of the dresser, looking at himself in the mirror. He is continuously pinching and scratching his cheek completely oblivious to my presence.
         I carefully sneaked into the room and went towards Om. Once I reached him, I immediately shouted close to his ear, startling him. The fear caused him to knock out a bottle of face cream to the floor and its contents spilled all over the floor. Geez! It's terrible.
         Om stood there, still, looking at the mess on the floor, his mouth forming an 'O'.

G: I am very sorry.

          I immediately apologized. Hearing this, his mouth closed while he turned to look at me. I immediately felt the urge to apologize again and I complied.

G: Om! Sorry....very very sorry! I didn't want to cause this mess. I just wanted to have some fun. I will replace this bottle as soon as possible and I am going to call someone to clean this now. I
        Saying this, I am about to go out of the room but stopped when I heard Om calling me.

O: Gauri! It's f..fine. You need not go anywhere. I am calling the house staff.....through intercom.

         Saying this, he clicked the intercom and called the staff manager whose name is....Vinay, I think.

O:(in phone) Hello, V..Vinay!'s me, Om. Actually, there is some m..mess in my! Can you send s..somebody to clean it?.......Oh!..... o...okay. It's o..okay. can wait.

       Saying this, he cut the call and turned to me.Seeing him talking to his staff like they are his friends and like he is asking a favour made me laugh slightly. I sat at one end of the bed while Om came and sat at the other end. I turned to him fully only to notice him brushing his cheek wearing a sullen expression.

G: What happened?

       It seems like he is in a deep thought because he responded slightly startled.

GAURI👱OMKARA🙎=A Past -A QuestWhere stories live. Discover now