Part 3

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"Are you sure you don't want to take that off?" I pointed at the grey Jacket he was wearing on this steaming mid-day of summer.

"Sure as hell" Dan's lips parted a little and he grinned before shooting a glance at me.

"You'll die from the heat," I said looking at the boy next to me covered in sweat.

"I won't, it's not like we're tiring ourselves. We're just looking at this cute river so it's okay, don't worry" he said, tossing a pebble at the river.

He was acting sceptical at this point.

"Are you hiding something?"

"Wha- no-no, why would I hide anything from you?" he immediately responded by bringing his hands in front of his chest and violently shaking his head side to side.

"Then why aren't you opening that jacket?"

I could clearly tell that he was panicking.

"Nothing really, it's just that I forgot to shave." He left out a nervous laugh.

"Dan, you're so bad at this! now hurry up and open the jacket."

I moved towards him, closing the distance between us.
I was about to touch the string of his jacket but he whacked my hand.

"DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU BASTARD!" he snapped. His voice sounded as sharp as a knife, slicing me deep inside.

His eyes grew bloodshot.

I stood there not sure what to say.

After a while, his eyes widened in realisation.

"I'm sorry, I- I don't know what came over me. May-maybe it was the heat? I think I should go home" he was having a hard time trying to break a sentence.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it I shouldn't have forced you, I'm sorry about that." I smiled a little letting him know that everything was just like before but he kept on apologising.

I leaned closer to him, to rest my hand on his shoulder but before I could do that he flinched.
It was not just an ordinary slight flinch, he flinched hard enough to make himself stumble and plunge.

I couldn't believe it, what was wrong with him?
Was something dreadful happening to him? But then again, how is that possible?
He's clever and robust.

He got up from the floor, looking frightened than ever.
He was shaking ever so slightly.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked as I thought it would be best for him to have some alone time. I didn't want to force an answer out of him.
He would tell me when he's ready, I'm sure of it.

He said nothing.

The silence gave me plenty of time to overthink everything and I'm certain that it gave him too, maybe he was feeling guilty or ashamed...
'Should I say something to him?'
'He hates me now, doesn't he?'
'Should I apologise?'

All of my thoughts were put to an end when he broke the silence.

"N-no" his voice had a brittle tone to it.
I've never caught a glimpse of him like this before, he was invariably cheerful and optimistic.

" want to stay here?" I questioned but made sure to ask in a soft and comfortable tone.

"Yeah, well the heat is killing me so I want some cold wind" he looked at me with a smile.

"But you can leave me alone for some time" he poked the side of my cheek lightly.  

I sighed.
I didn't want to compel myself in on his personal life, a life he doesn't wish to share with me.

I nodded before strolling away from him.
I'm confident that numerous thoughts were troubling him at that very moment but somehow he still managed to falsify a smile to reassure me.
Just how amazing can an individual be?
Yes, I realize that he has problems like everybody but he seldom talks about them.
All he ever does is circulate positivity but even a superhero can break sometimes.

I'm certain that whatever he's struggling with, he'll get through it no matter what and I'll be there to assist him no matter what
after all, isn't that what a side character's duty is?

Flower you never saw• male oc x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now