FELIX * green thumb

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in which, y/n tries to share their love of plants with felix...


"hey, because your whole necromancer thing you got going on," y/n's words earned a small glare from the boy, "do you have a green thumb, or is keeping things alive not ideal?"

"i'm a necromancer not a sociopath." felix says, head shaking as he returned to his book.

"soooooo do you like plants?" y/n asked, getting a sigh from him. they rolled their eyes, smirking before whispering, "you probably don't like them because you can't keep them alive."

"that's not it." felix said, turning to y/n who smiled.

"then what is it? why avoid a simple question, my love?" that had him blushing, nearly rolling in his seat if he had no self control. "didn't your dad like plants? i assumed because your a lot like him you might have that in common."

felix nodded, knowing y/n and their questions were inescapable. "yes, he studied plants, specifically poisonous and deadly ones." he heard y/n hum, somewhat satisfied with his answer. "and i don't hate plants because i can't keep them alive."

"now that's a lie, i don't have a good radar when it comes to lying but that one was beyond obvious." they said, getting a groan from the male. "back home, my house was filled with plants. my parents were really big into gardening so i picked it up pretty fast. i could teach you if you want? help you bond with nature?" y/n offered, getting sent a sceptical glance from their boyfriend, "it'll be fun i promise."

"i'm already connected with nature." he tried but got a sound of protest in return.

"no, you're wrong. you maybe be in touch with the whole dead part but you don't know a thing about the living part." y/n said, head now placed on felix's shoulder as he heated up. "i just wanna share my love of plants with you, love."

a groan from felix let y/n know that they'd cracked him, that they'd get to share their knowledge. "fine, what do you want to say so badly?"

"i don't know, i just want to garden with you." y/n said, standing and moving to grab felix's hand. "come on, i have plants i need to re-pot and some babies i want to plant." they said, pulling on his hands while he groaned but let them drag him.

y/n was happily rambling on about their plants, how their snake plant had grown about five inches since they'd gotten it. they also mentioned how many offspring their bamboo plants had given them, saying that they should probably cut some of them today.

walking into y/n's room, the surfaces all had at least two plants on them. a small table that's probably a one by one foot square had four pots on it while their waist high book shelf had a eyes worth of bamboo and baby succulents on it.

"i was in here like, three days ago, how are there more plants?" felix asked, genuinely confused while y/n just planned in with a dumb smile on their face.

"went shopping and grabbed a couple plants." they shrugged, "i don't know." the unsure answer just made the male more confused, watching as y/n grabbed a gallon of water and poured it into a water bottle. "we reuse and recycle here, so don't throw away the bottle, ok?" y/n said, handing off the now full water bottle off to their lover.

felix took the bottle, looking at the plants like he was unsure if he should move.

"do you know how to water plants?" y/n asked, filling another bottle while felix glared. "look at the soil, if the dirt looks dry water the plant. if you can't tell by looking, touch the dirt and if it's dry you water, if not move on." y/n said, turning and watering a couple cacti.

felix turned, looking at an aloe plant with a tag on the pot reading, 'juicy'. he looked at the dirt, face cringing while he tried to determine whether or not the dirt was dry.

a hand grabbed his, making him jump, he looked back and saw y/n, their eyes set on the aloe plant. his finger met the dirt, y/n looking to his eyes and tilting their head, "dry?" they asked, getting a nod, "then water, love."

"ok." he said, watching y/n prance away and over to a couple snake plants all named ursula or ariel.


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