I just wanna be accepted

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"Hyung are you sure you wanna talk about it now," Taehyun said cautiously, he knew Yeonjun was sensitive about that topic.

"Yes, Tae I'll have to face this sooner or later. The feelings, they just won't fade away."

"Have you talked about it with..." Beomgyu left the statement hanging.

Everyone knew what he meant by that.

Yeonjun sighed "NO...I mean I want to but just not yet. I just need some advice right now and...

"A lot of emotional support of course. I'll show you my special aegyo." Kai butted in.

"Oh, Huening-ah how can I say no to that," Yeonjun said thanking him internally for changing the tense atmosphere. He knew how much Yeonjun struggled with articulating his feelings.

And as much as he hated to admit he liked Beomgyu's company too. Yes, he acted as if he was annoyed with him, and don't get him wrong in his defense Beomgyu always clowns him. And yes Beomgyu is loud (sometimes a bit too loud if you ask him) but he also radiates so much energy that one could absorb it. Their constant childish bickering or teasing always filled up any awkward silence or tense atmosphere.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt Soobin's hand on his shoulder. He turned back and met Soobin's eyes. His message was clear, 'We can talk in private if you want.

Soobin being the second oldest was the person Yeonjun trusted the most with his feelings and he was the first person he would turn to if he wanted some advice. Being an introvert Soobin still fitted in the extroverted extra chaotic group perfectly. Perhaps like a leader, he was always beside Yeonjun to help him in taking care of the others. They shared a gaze and Yeonjun quickly assured him that everything was okay....for now.

"You know this isn't just about you soo..." Soobin trailed off, wary of saying anything, perhaps scared of complicating the already complex problem.

"You need to disclose this to both of them." Beomgyu completed Soobin.

"Yes I know I'm scared, nervous, and just anxious in general I guess."

"That's a lot Hyung but don't worry you can sort it out," Taehyun assured him.

"But Hyung we still don't know who your crush is," Beomgyu whined.

"Yes Hyung when will you tell us?" Taehyun asked.

"I will tell you soon. I promise."

"Dammit look at the time. Sorry but we gotta go now."

"To where? The gym?" Soobin cocked his eyebrows.

"Yeah." Tae shrugged.

He's trying to make up for his height by gaining muscles." Hyuka teased.

"I'm not short you all are too tall. And anyways Hyuka I assure you that you'll be the first person I'll test the results on." He added sweetly.

"And you all complain about me and Yeonjun bickering," Beomgyu complained.

"Okay Taehyun-ah let's get going."

"You too?" Hyuka asked surprised.

"Yeah me too."

"Oh my should we be scared." Soobin feigned a scared expression.

"Oh please as if." Beomgyu rolled his eyes

"Enough guys let them go. I'm guessing that both are already running late." Yeonjun interjected.

"Oh no, you're right for once. Bye guys." Beomgyu dragged Taehyun away before Yeonjun could react.

"This kid I'm going to...."

"But Hyung lets be serious. Why aren't you telling them?"

"Kai you know exactly why. Tae and Gyu aren't fond of them."

"But this isn't about them, we are friends and I'm sure they'll understand your situation," Soobin argued.

"And besides it's unfair to them, we can't just keep this between us forever."

Yeonjun let out a sigh, he knew his friends were correct. He had thought about it many times but only now he decided to face it head first.

"I will." He promised, he wasn't sure to whom; himself or his friends.

"Umm...Hyung?" Soobin sounded wary and unsure.


"Are you sure they like you back?" Don't get him wrong, Soobin didn't want to sound mean. But to him their friendship was precious. The ever-so-level-headed Soobin couldn't risk their friendship just for an unrequited crush. (Bros before Hoes indeed.)

"Yes, we talked about it earlier," Yeonjun said yet again lost in the memories of that fateful day.

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