A fresh start

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"The only thing you can do now is keep her away from people most of the time. For her own saftey," the doctor said. You had no idea what was going on. The doctor's weird glasses and weird moustache creeped you out even more.

"I understand," your mother said, glancing at you. Your father into your eyes and sighed...


Your eyes slowly opened as the sound of your alarm blared in your ear. "Loud," you thought, reaching for your phone to turn the annoying ringing off. You sat up rubbing your eyes and yawning. You got up, stretched and walked over to the curtains to look outside. You squinted your eyes at the sudden brightness but soon adjusted.

"Such a beautiful day to start a new school right?" You mumbled to yourself sarcastically as you walked over to the bathroom to get ready.


"Ma! I'm leaving!" You yelled through the house as you opened the door to leave.

"OK honey! Do you have everything with you?"

"Yes," you said as she hugged you. Your arms stayed by your sides.

"Have good day at school and work hard OK?" She said, pinching your cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah," you said escaping her grasp and walking out the door.

You liked walking alone in the mornings. It was nice and calming watching the beautiful morning sky, while walking peacefully listening to (favourite song/play list). Humming along with the song, you happily entered the school gates.

Maybe this will be fun? You thought, looking at the other students running inside the building.

Heh? You checked the time.

Shit! If you didn't hurry up now you would be late. On your first day.

"What a wonderful start to my day," you mumbled sarcastically, running to your assigned class.

You arrived at a door. "Class 1a" was written in blue above it.

"This is the one," you sighed opening the door. Immediately everyone's eyes turned to you.

"You're late," the man at the front of the class said.

"By one minute! " You internally protested. He had long black hair and tired eyes.

"Introduce yourself," the man said, sounding as tired as he looked.

"Uhm right," you said walking to the front. "Hi. I'm, uh, Y/n L/n," you said writing your name on the chalkboard. Everyone staring at you didn't help the awkwardness.

"Right," the man said. "I'm Aizawa, your home room teacher. Take a seat". Your eyes wandered around the class room and landed on an empty seat. You rushed to your desk and sat down. While Aizawa continued his lecture, you could still feel a few eyes staring but you chose to ignore it.


"Okay. It's break time now. Do whatever just don't make any noise," Aizawa said, retreating into a yellow, cacoon-looking sleeping bag.

"Oh well," you mumbled, pulling out your headphones, (favourite snack), and a book from your bag. You were peacefully enjoying your food until you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Great. What now?" You thought turning around to see two boys.

"Hiya there beautiful, I'm Denki Kaminari it's nice ta meet ya," the one with yellow hair said. He had so much energy.

"Give me your energy dude I feel like death," you tought.

"Eijiro Kirishima," the red-headed boy said, smiling and bumping his fists together.

"Nice to meet you," you said quietly, not changing the calm expression on your face. They seemed kind though, so you didn't mind to much.

That was until you saw a few more people come over to you. Before you knew it, half of the class was around your desk introducing themselves.

"Is it to much to ask for a little peace and quiet! " You internally sobbed.

"Come on Bakubro, introduce yourself. Be polite for once" Kirishima said.

"Shut it shitty hair!" An angry, spiky haired, blond yelled at him.

"Jeez " you thought, slightly wincing at the noise he was making. You tried to look for an escape but there was no way out.

"He's Katsuki Bakugo," Kirishima said. "He kinda has some anger issues". He seemed a bit interesting to you though. But loud.

"Oh..ok," you said with your signature calm voice. "It's nice to meet you guys".

Your new classmates soon returned to their seats and left you alone. In peace. Your eyes wondered around the classroom, once again, going over all the names as not to forget them on your first day. You spotted a boy with half white, half red hair.

"Huh? I don't know his name". That was because he never came up to you to introduce himself.

"Interesting," you thought standing up to go ask what his name is.

"Hi," you said, standing in front of of his desk.

"Oh, hello. Your the new student right? L/n?" he said looking up at you from his book. One of his eyes was grey and the other was blue. You thought it was beautiful.

"Mhm". "I never learned your name though," you said looking at his book.

"Oh right. Shoto Todoroki," he said.
Your eyes didn't leave his book.

"This is my comfort book you know". "Infact," you said running back to your desk. He watched you as you returned with the same book, smiling a little. You didn't smile lot.

"It's a really good book. It's my second time reading it," he said, looking from his book back to you again.

"It's my fifth," you said scratching your head and laughing nervously. You seemed so cold at first. He smiled at your sudden change in behaviour. He didn't smile a lot.

A man with stuck up, yellow hair and triangle glasses walked into the class. He seemed lively and full of energy, even more than that Kaminari dude. "ALRIGGGHT KIDS ARE YOU READY TO LEARN," he shouted, catching the attention of the other students. You quickly put your hands over your ears and closed your eyes tightly.

"Holy fuck he's loud! " You thought. You were quite sensitive to loud noises due to past events.

"Are you ok?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Talk to you later," you said to which he nodded. You walked back to your desk rubbing you poor ears, but what you didn't know was that Bakugo had noticed too.

"The hell is wrong with her " he thought averting his attention back to the teacher.

"This is going to be such a great lesson" you mumbled, taking your seat behind the angry pomeranian.

Holaa. Sorry if it's long and not to much Bakugo involved. I promise in the next chapter he will be included way more. Enjoy and have a nice day, love<3

A Sinner And A Saint - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now