Combat Training

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"Ma can I go out with my friends today?"

"We've been over this already,

"But I'm already thirteen and you said that when I'm thirteen, I can hangout with my friends!"

"Y/n, I'll let you go some other time, OK?"

"You always say that! Fine I'll just ask Pa then".

With that you climbed up the stairst to your father's room.

"Pa can I hang out with my friends today please! I'm already thirteen! You said when I'm thirteen I can! " You said, looking at him with eager eyes, with a tint of hope.

He sighed. "Fine. But be here before dinner".

"Yes, yes, yes!" you said jumping around, punching the air. "Thankyou so muuuch," you said smiling and hugging your father.

"Yeah, yeah". "And one more thing
Y/n," he said, before you opened the door.


"If you feel bubbling under your skin, even a little bit, call me right away ok?" he said, talking seriously now. You nodded. "We don't want another accident yeah? Be safe".

"See you later!" you said running to your room to get ready.





Bakugo rolled his eyes at you and Sero. "Its almost class time you guys," Kirishima said.

"Oh. We better go then".

"Hey! Guys wait for me!"

"Hurry up then!"


"But you still hang out with them. Does that make you a moron too?"

Bakugo looked at you. He didn't really know what to say.

"Shut up".

The walk to class, you stayed silent, admiring the personalities of your new friends. Maybe this isn't so bad.

"Alright. Be quiet and sit down, " Aizawa said sternely in his usual tired voice. The few standing students squirmed to their seats as the class fell silent. "Today we are going to do one on one combat training. Each day you will get a new partner you will have to fight against until you have fought all of your classmates," He said.

"Oh great," you thought sarcastically. You were hoping this wouldn't come eventhough you new it had to.

"So get up and go change into your hero suits".

You stood up. Not exactly knowing where to go, you followed the bakusquad. Well that is what you called them.

"Are you excited to see who you get,
L/n?" Kirishima asked. He seemed more excited than most of your classmates.

"Not really".

"Oh? why?"

You didn't like using your quirk. After what happened with one particular power, called demon shadow, you came to hate it. Never again would you use it. It was to dangerous.

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