I want to

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Warnings: cursing, fingering, anal sex etc

Narrator POV
The album Neon shark vs Pegasus played quietly in the background as Ryder and Sabrina embraced each other, giving each other soft kisses, but mostly just enjoying the others warmth. "I fucking love you, you know that right?" Ryder said, his eyes staring into hers. "Yeah, I fucking love you." She replied. They started kissing again, it was soft and slow at first, but something changed. He wiggled his thigh between hers and pressed it against her cunt.

She whimpered into the kiss as she started grinding against his thigh and slipped her tongue into his mouth. He groaned softly as she pulled him closer. He broke the kiss and dipped his head down to whisper in her ear. "I can already tell you're so wet for me."

She closed her eyes as his lips danced over the flesh of her neck. "Please." She whined out. "Please what?" He asked even though he already knew what she was going to ask him. "Please finger me daddy." She begged. He moved his leg from between hers and pushed on her hip to get her to lay on her back.

After she rolled back he began kissing her neck, her eyes closed as he whimpered near her ear because he knew how much she liked it when he made any noise. His lips went down and kissed on her breasts, starting with the right one. He swirled his tongue around her nipple, earning a, admittedly pathetic, whine to fall from her lips.

He began sucking on her nipple, she had no idea why, but that always felt so good to her. Her back arched and her breath caught in her throat as one of her hands went to his hair. He repeated his actions on her left breast before his lips traveled down her belly, kissing, licking and sucking on his way down. Once he reached her hips he stopped, laying back down next to the desperate mess he called his girlfriend.

His hand slipped down her abdomen before sliding it between her thighs. He ran his finger over her clit, causing her to shiver before he slid his finger inside of her. Her eyes met his for a brief moment before he curled his finger and her eyes rolled back. He started slow, but they had been together long enough to know that 'slow' was not the right pace for him to go most of the time.

He added another finger and started moving his fingers in a way that stimulated a place within her that she didn't even know she had. "What the fuck!" She stuttered out. "What?" He asked with a smirk on his face, he knew exactly what he was doing and why she said that, but he just loved hearing her say it when he did something to her that felt good.

"Nothing." She attempted to lie. "No, seriously what is it babygirl?" He asked. "That feels good." She barely forced herself to say. "Oh, really?" He said mockingly and increased his pace. "Fuck." She whined out as she gripped onto him. He wrapped his free arm around the back of her neck and placed his hand over her mouth. "I'm not gonna stop," he continued as his pace continued to get quicker and her orgasm was quickly building within her. "You're taking it so good for me." He growled.

Her legs were shaking, her eyes rolled back and she was gripping onto the man causing this reaction from her like her life depended on it. "Shit." She mumbled under his hand before a string of moans fell from her tongue while she rode wave after wave of absolute ecstasy.

He loosened his grip on her mouth. "How many was that?" He asked. "One." She replied. "And what do you say?"

"Thank you, daddy." She whispered. She lost count at how many more orgasms followed. Once she was too sensitive to handle more he stopped and slipped his fingers onto her tongue. "Do you want to?" He asked once she calmed down. She knew exactly what he was talking about. A couple nights before he had brought up the idea to do anal, she wasn't apposed, just too nervous.

"Yeah, I want to." She said. He continued to ask her and make sure that she was actually ok with it before he told her to roll over. They were spooning now. He snaked one of his arms under her neck to hold her hand. She was still nervous, but like a good nervous, like an artist would have if they were playing their first sold out arena.

He spit into his hand and spread the collected saliva over her asshole. He then spit onto his hand again before rubbing it onto his erect length. She closed her eyes as she felt him press against her. She sharply inhaled as he slowly thrusted into her.

Admittedly, it hurt, but it also felt good. "That's a lot of dick." She commented through strained teeth. She regretted saying it as soon as she said it because of how awkward she sounded.

'Why couldn't I have just said 'it's big' or something? Seriously 'that's a lot of dick.' I'm so stupid.' She thought. One of her hands was beside her head, clasping to his hand. She honestly found it very sweet that he would hold her hand.

Sabrina had always thought of sexual acts as something that only brought her discomfort or pain, but with him it was quite the opposite. The way that he knew exactly what she needed to bring her pleasure was, in her opinion, incredible. "That's not even half of it." He replied to her comment.

He changed his angle slightly, causing a new sensation and a good one. His pace was slow and he asked her every few moments if she was ok, which she thought was also sweet. "You're so tight." He whined in her ear before leaving kisses on her neck and shoulder. "I know." She whispered. She turned her head back to look at him, he looked beautiful.

There was desire in his eyes, but there was something overwhelming it, love. His eyes loomed with a love like she had never seen, he wasn't trying to just do this because it felt good, he wanted to feel close with her. "I fucking love you." She whispered. She felt like laughing or crying or screaming because she had finally found someone who didn't want her just for her body. "I fucking love you." He whispered back.

She turned her head back to face the wall before she closed her eyes and slowly moved back and forth to meet his pace. His hand gripped to her hip as they slowly rocked back and forth. "I'm gonna come." He whispered out as his pace became inconsistent and his thighs shook slightly behind her. Pleasure overtook him as he spilled his hot seed deep within her.

They were both breathing heavily as his pace halted and she slowly moved forward allowing him to slip out of her. "Wanna do it again?" He asked.

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