Chapter 10

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I woke up to the sound of a beautiful recitation.

I wish i could be a better muslim like her.

Let me tell you i only pray on Fridays and that's jumat prayers.

I looked to my left and saw the queen bee reciting some duas in a lengena.

Why wear a lengena and what is she doing in my room?

I was still in my stupid thoughts when realization hit me that I'm married.

I got married yesterday and that too to her.

She had her face covered and her both hands up as she read some duas and by listening to her beautiful voice you'll know she's crying.

Gold digging fake tears.

I shrugged the thoughts off and went to take a nice warm shower and go see my girl who got me worried all night.

After taking a shower i got out and saw her seated on the couch fidgeting with her fingers and her face still covered making me remember last night when i told her not to show me her unwanted face.

I kinda feel bad now saying that to her last night but whatever she deserves it,no one dares to come in between me and Alishba but i must say she's really an obedient wife.

Any guy who marries her in the future can easily tame her.

"Go take a bath, i'll get new clothes from mom for you." I said.

"Khala brought some clothes for me while you were in the bathroom." She spoke barely audibly while her fingers were shaking.

Do i scare her?

Well I'm glad i do.

She went into the washroom and closed the door without making any sounds unlike me who just banged the door.

I changed into a black hoodie and sweatpant, sat on the bed and took out my phone scrolling through Instagram when the washroom door opened and the queen bee came out wearing a purple resham Shalwar Kameez, the purple shawl covering her head and face. She placed the clothes she was wearing before on the couch.

(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)


must say the clothes really suits her, she looks amazing. It hugged her petite form and her curves not that she had any curves doe as she practically looked like a person who isn't fed well and the way she walks as if she's going to pass out any second.

Enough about her.

I don't even know why i'm thinking all this stupid thoughts.

"IT'S TIME TO LEAVE." I heard mum's voice as she knocked on the door.

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