Movie Recommendations

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These are the movies that I recommend for Halloween. I will be going from my favourite, to my least favourite:

  1. Paranormal Activity (R): This movie is part of a series/franchise, and I watched this with my father at 11 o'clock at night, with all of the lights off. This is the first horror movie to actually scare me in three years. This movie isn't for the faint of heart, but it's a great movie for paranormal/supernatural enthusiasts like myself, and you won't go to sleep until 2:30 in the morning, at least...

  2. Harry Potter 1-8 (G/PG-13): I've loved this franchise since I was nine years old, and I still love it to this day. I don't know why, but Harry Potter gives me that almost Halloweeny vibe,many I love it either way. 

  3. Child's Play (2019 Remake) (PG-13): I quite liked this movie despite my mild doll phobia. I love everything about it minus the storyline. This movie isn't that scary, but it still can give people the chills.

  4. Child's Play (1988) (PG-13): I watched this before I watched the 2019 remake, and I just liked the storyline. I will admit, my had to bite back fear-laughter because of my mild phobia of Chucky. Either way, this movie was a good in-betweener.

  5. Halloween (R - last I checked): I hadn't really watched this movie franchise that much as I was scared shitless by the 2018 edition only ten minutes in. But, then again, I was going to be 11 a few days from when I watched it. I feel like this movie is perfect for people wanting to be scared shitless, but I had ranked it lower because I only lasted ten minutes, and didn't really like it.

  6. Hush (TV-MA): I watched this one with my father, and I was laughing by the time it was finished. I found it to be funny, yet disturbing, and I even found myself wanting to yell at the TV a certain periods. It can be scary in some cases, but it takes quite a bit to scare me*, which was why it's ranked a little lower. This one was recommended to me by a friend who I'm assuming also found the movie to be a little funny.

  7. The Ring (PG-13): My father and I watched this one, and the visual effects are a little on the disturbing/"gory" side of things. I liked this one because it was a race against time, and the story was good.

  8. Ouija (PG-13): I had watched this movie with my cousin about a year or two ago, and it scared the shit out of her. It took us three nights to finish watching the movie because we were not only watching it at nigh, and with the lights off, but because she was scared.

  9. The Conjuring (PG-13/R): I can't remember what the Conjuring was rated, but this was one of the movies that had sparked my mild doll phobia. From an eight year old's POV, the Conjuring was scary af, and I could tell when there was going to be jumpscares. This movie is one that I plan on watching again in the coming weeks in the dark.

  10. Annabelle (PG-13): I'm assuming that this is PG-13, but correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't watched this one yet, but it clearly involves the doll that gave me the fear of dolls. From what I've heard from friends, this movie is pretty good, apparently, and I can't wait to watch it.

  11. Friday The 13th (PG-13/R): This is one that I'm planning on watching on my birthday, and I am curious as to the story behind this movie (series), as well as who the hell Jason Voorhees is - I've heard of him, but I just don't know his personality, his intelligence level, or his backstory, so I'm undecided.

  12. Nightmare on Elm Street (PG-13/R): This is another movie that I plan on watching in two weeks, as I curious about the movie, as well as who the hell is Freddy Kreuger (if I misspelled that, feel free to correct me). I've heard of Freddy, but I haven't watched the movie.

  13. Dr. Giggles (N/A): I don't know the rating for this, but this movie scared the shit out of my mother when she was 11. It was her first/last horror movie, and she didn't sleep that night - so I'm going to assume that it was scary af.

  14. Slenderman (PG-13): I had watched this movie with my father at around 12:30 in the morning, and I didn't really find it disturbing, or anything. It was an okay movie, but I didn't really like it. 

  15. Saw 1-7 (R): My dad and I watched the first five movies at his recommendation, and we both quite like them. I know what you guys might be thinking - oh my gosh, Alexis, you  must be insane for liking something so sick - but you guys will have to watch them just to see what I mean, because I'm not going to spoil anything! We stayed up until 2:30 a.m. watching the first three, and we now have to watch Saw 6, and Saw 7.

  16. The Possession of Hannah Grace (R): My dad and I watched this one, and holy crap was it disturbing! The Possession of Hannah Grace is quite good, not going to lie, but this one didn't scare me as well as Paranormal Activity did - which isn't much if you think about it. 

  17. The Last Exorcism (R): After my dad and I watched The Possession of Hannah Grace, we watched this one, and it was disturbing af. I'm not going to spoil it, but The Last Exorcism just starts out as all fun, and games at first, and then it becomes real pretty quick. It was a good movie to watch, and it is definitely one that recommend.

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