Moon Scare

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[PROMPT: It's 3 am, you wake up to an official alert, reading; "DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON" You have hundreds of notifications. Messages from numbers you don't know, saying similar things. "It's a beautiful night out, look outside."]

I flinch at the sudden banging on the door, what sounds like hundreds of voices tell me to look at the moon. I drop my phone as a look of horror settles on my face. I turn to face the window, then breathing a sigh of relief. My blinds were closed. I slowly left my room, walking to the front door, where the voices were. "I'm not going to do it!" I shout through the closed door. The noise stops for a moment, but only a moment. Seconds later, it comes back louder then before. Black liquid leaks under my door, and I take a few steps back to avoid touching it, who knows what it would do. "I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT!" I try to sound sure, but my voice wavers. 'fuck... Am I going to die here?' I think to myself, as the panic fully sets in. This wasn't something I could get out of, was it? The next emotion that settled into my mind was a sense of numbness. The realization that this could be it. Then I heard it, the voice that didn't blend with the others. "Open the door. Its an illusion." What did that mean? an illusion? I didn't understand, but taking a risk And dying with some strange form of closure was better then dying in terror, locked in my house. Slowly, I unlock the door to find..
Nothing. There was nothing there! Only that strange black liquid on the floor. This made no sense..


[Word count: 293. Not my best ever, but certainly something considering how little I write stuff]

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