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She came back crying. She always came back crying. Your name was y/n and you lived in a prison. You never did anything wrong from what you knew, but from a young age of nine, you've never lived anywhere but hell.

Your younger sister was six and used almost everyday as a tool. She would be thrown back into the small room you both shared with bandages and tears in her eyes. You would hug her and tell her everything would be alright.

Nothing was alright.

Eri had a quirk that someone in here wanted to use to destroy quirks themselves, his name was Kai Chisaki. You didn't have a quirk like that. Your quirk was something similar to the blurry memory of your father.

You never gave your quirk a name, but you gave them a name. At your given will, you could create what most people would call 'monsters'. But to you, they were like friends, they were kind and they protected you and Eri if needed to.

You named them 'Kana'. You could get a lot of them to show up at one time, but they all replied to Kana. They took many shapes and sizes, sometimes they would look like they were on fire or a blob. But they were kind, the only kindest you and Eri received.

You, Eri and Kana were family and to you, family was everything you had. You would always ask Kana if they could make Eri be comforted. The entire time you knew her, she's never smiled. Not matter how many times you would try to crack one on her, she was too scared all the time.

From a young age, Eri 'killed' your father. You mother ran off and left you with Eri. Your mother was bad enough to you, but she truly left this time. You couldn't remember how you got here and why, but you were here now and you did everything you could to try and get out.

Sometimes, you would send Kana out as a small creature to try and find exits so you and Eri could escape. Sometimes you managed to, by it wasn't long at all before they found you again.

Currently, you had sent Kana out to find an escape route. But as of right now, you had to care for Eri.

"Y/n, it hurts" She cried as she collapsed into you, begging for comfort.

"Shh, its okay. Your with me now, I won't hurt you" You said softly to her. You wanted to promise her she would never get hurt again, but you knew that wasn't possible. Not until you found help, not until you could save Eri from this hell.

It took a few minutes to calm your little sister down, but her breathing came to a normal pace as she looked hopeful in your eyes.

"Is Kana coming back soon? Can they help us? Can we leave?" She asked, cutely rubbing away to extra tears from her eyes.

"They'll be back soon" You promise her, tucking a piece of her long hair around her ear.

You gripped Eri in a bear hug and cradled her. After a while, you felt Kana's presence coming closer and closer at a fast pace. You tapped Eri lightly, she looked up to you with her mouth in a 'o' shape.

"Kana is coming back now" You say, getting ready to come near the door. Under the small cracks slide Kana.

"I found a way to escape, its risky, but certain if you make it" They said, something like pride in their voice as they spoke.

You nodded and thanked them, before turning to Eri who looked up to you with hopeful eyes once again. You didn't need to ask if she wanted to run, you knew the answer every time. You picked your smaller and younger sister up and she hide her face in the crook of your neck.

"Don't look" You'd tell her every time. She nodded into your shoulder and hugged you tighter. You looked over to the now bigger version of Kana. "Ready?"

"Always" They said.

You walked over to the door and let out a shakily breath before swinging it open and darting down the hall. You created 3 Kana's to fight off anyone who ran after you and you created one to defend you as you sprinted towards your chance of freedom.

When you had gotten on the surface, you sent the Kana away as you let Eri down on the ground, checking on her making sure she was okay. You were panting heavily from the running, but you still ran on, just slower.

You saw the light of the open street in the distance, but you took a few second to look behind you. When suddenly you felt Eri fall backwards and you heard her let out a little yelp. You whipped your head around so fast it almost gave you whiplash.

In  front of you were two heroes, they looked like they were high schoolers, one of them the same age as you. You didn't know what to do, expect go straight down to Eri's aid and stare at them.

"Sorry, that must've hurt" Said the green haired boy bending down to Eri's level. "Can you stand, are you okay?"

He picked Eri up gently, and I gripped on to her hand. He had a confused look that darted between you and Eri. Your gaze went up to the other boy, he was quite tall and he had blond hair that went up.

"Now, you know..." There was a voice from behind you, you didn't want to ever hear. "You mustn't cause trouble for the heroes"

It was Chisaki. You began shaking a bit and your face showed clear signs of fear. You tightened your grip on Eri's hand.

"I'm sorry about my daughter and girlfriend, hero" Chisaki apologised. 

You grimaced at what he said of you.

"She's like to play around a lot and keeps getting hurt" Chisaki acted all kind.

You looked at the ground as you wanted to run away, but that would end badly for a lot of people here. The heroes wouldn't last long and anyone around them who saw. You would have to grab hold of Eri again.

As Chisaki tried to get us back, Eri gripped on to the green boy's outfit. She was scared and you could feel her trembling, you were sure the hero also felt it as well.

"Don't...Don't go" Eri whispered to the boy.

"Your daughter seems scared" The boy said, trying his best.

Soon you were all walking back into the shadows, back to hell, away from freedom. Chisaki went on about a fake story as you held Eri's hand. Eri refused to let go of the hero.

When Chisaki went to his hand and tugged on his white glove, you knew what was about to happen. Quickly as possible you turned to Eri and pryed her off the boy before running back to Chisaki, holding Eri.

You walked back into the shadows, but you took a final look at the two heroes behind you before they disappeared.

You have to escape properly. You can't let Eri grow up in a place like this.

My Saviour | Eri's Sister x Deku | Y/n x Deku | My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now