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That was what you heard. You were awake now. You fluttered your eyes open. You didn't recognise this place. Your arms felt tired, when you looked down, you saw cords hooked up to them and a weird thing on your finger.

Where am I...?

The thoughts of Chisaki's base came flooding into your mind and the heart monitor that was once steady not became frantic. You got scared from the sudden loud beeping noise

You took the cords out of your body and it hurt for a second. You grabbed the thing on your finger and lifted it off. Throwing the sheets back you got to your feet were you almost slipped. The door opened and some people busted in, grabbing hold of you and trying to put you back on the bed.

Frightened, you called for Kana to make the people back off. The second a black fire-like hand shoot out of your stomach, they jumped back in fright. Kana crawled out of your stomach and stood 7ft tall, towering over these people.

You turned your head, searching for her. Eri. Where was Eri? You whipped your head around again. Where was she? She's not here.

You ran towards the door, Kana making it easier for you to get pass the people here. You got out of the door. The place was big and was filled with other people. As you ran around the place, you watched as people stared at you running by. 

Of those people, no one judged you. Being in a hospital, it wasn't that usual for someone to be running around frantically looking for someone. Some people felt sorry for you, a young girl like you.

if you knew you were in a hospital, maybe you would be more calm, but the scent of the place and with Eri not being around you made you worry. You passed many people trying to calm you down or stop you.

As you ran past a large window, something caught your eye. In the room was a young girl with blue hair and red eyes sleeping erratically. A wave of emotion rushed over you, joy, fear, shock, relief. 


Your eyes darted to the door and you ran around the hallway and swung it open, rushing inside. Kana followed you inside, worried for Eri.

You flopped down next to Eri. Your hands brushed against her cheek. You let out a shaky breath knowing she was okay. When the door open, you instantly shot up and Kana stood in front of you to protect you.

When suddenly Kana disappeared. Your face spoke of worry as you got into a more defence pose to protect Eri. As the last of Kana disappeared, in front of you now stood a man with black hair, and dressed in all black. His eyes were glowing red.

He was one of the heroes that came in with the green haired boy. You didn't trust him, something told you not to. That something told you not to trust anyone expect Eri. 

"I won't hurt you or your sister" He said, he sounded genuine, but still.

He slowly moved in the room, he was being careful not to frighten you or cause an attack.

"My hero name is Eraserhead, my name is Aizawa. I'm a teacher at a hero school called UA. Some of my students and I came here to save you and your sister. We succeeded" He started. "I understand your name is y/n. Thats your sister Eri. I would believe your fond of your sister, but trust me, I won't do anything to hurt you or her."

You slowly backed down. He moved at a normal pace around the room until he got to where he wanted to be.

"I understand she is your sister, but it isn't safe to stay in here. You-" He didn't get to finish before you cut over him.

"I'm not leaving" You say. No way in hell were they going to get you away from Eri.

"Eri's quirk is goin-"

"I don't care, if something happens, Kana will wake me up" You say, you kept trying to get Kana back, but something was stopping you.

"Who is Kana?" He asks, confused.

"Kana is the same of my quirk. The thing that disappeared when you walked in" You said, suddenly Kana came back when Aizawa's red eyes went back to a black colour.

Aizawa instantly flicked his eyes to the 7ft figure in front of him. He wasn't sure what to think. The girl in front of him seemed so normal with it.

"Can it speak?" Aizawa asked.

"I can hold a conversation well" Kana said.

Aizawa was honestly amazed at this. of course he didn't show it. A quirk that made 7tf things crawl out of its owner. These things could talk.

"I don't ask Kana to hurt people, but if you even make one wrong move, Kana will come at you anyway" You said, moving back to Eri, now that you knew you wouldn't have to keep your eyes on Aizawa.

Another thing with your quirk is it was like having a second you. You have conversations with them though your mind, you could see what it saw. It was a great quirk to have.

In the end, Aizawa let you sleep in a chair next to Eri. Many people came by that day to look at Eri and check it she was okay. The boy with green hair, a brown haired girl with pink cheeks, a girl with big eyes and dark green hair. The hero named Mirio. Aizawa. Some nurses.

You barely let anyone touch Eri and you didn't eat a lot of what they gave you. When Eri was awake, you made sure what she was eating was safe. You barely let anyone touch her, let alone come into the room without Kana on their case.

One thing Aizawa didn't understand that much was why Eri and y/n felt so comfortable around Kana. Kana was the thing young children like Eri would see in their nightmares or things they would see in movies to scare people, and yet Eri was able to fall asleep in Kana's arm and on Kana's watch. Eri wasn't startled when she first woke up and saw Kana.

Aizawa also wondered why and how Kana would stay their when y/n went to sleep. Kana wasn't like any other quirk he's seen in years. IN fact, he's never seen a quirk like that ever.

My Saviour | Eri's Sister x Deku | Y/n x Deku | My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now