this is quite long and full of merida-isms. you've been warned.


Catherine and Kanneset's weding finally came and Merida put a flower in Catherin'e s hair to complete her look.

"Ye look so cute."

"Cute? But I want to be ravishin'!"

"You are, Catherine." Fuchsia said in reassurance, giving Merida a look.

"Kans would love you even if you showed up in a sack." Margaret confirmed.

There was a knock on the door and Jamison stuck his head in. "May I come in?"


"Troublesome news I'm afraid: Mother and Velvet are here."

Catherine went pale. "What? But I-"

"I ken I'll go and give a little greeting-" Merida said, starting to leave the room.

"Oh no you don't." Jamison growled, grabbing her before she could go. "You stay put."

"I was only going to give them a friendly reminder that this wedding is by invitation only." She said with an innocent look.

"Aunt Phabyl must has gossiped again." Fuchsia said, unusually frustrated.

"Phabyl would never." Jamison said curtly. Fuchsia flinched. "Your aunt is flighty and does like to gossip, but she would never ruin Kans' day like this. She loves him too much to ever do that."

There was another knock and Radek stuck his head in. "We have a problem."

"Yes, Mother and Velvet are here."

"So is Father... It's my fault." He said, looking dejected.

"You told them?!" Margaret yelled.

"Of course not! I think someone figured out something was going on and possibly saw my calendar in my room. Belle would have never said anything and as if I wanted to deal with them."

"Where's Merida?" Catherine asked, looking around.

"God dammit."


"Who do you think you are, you beastly boy?!" a woman shrieked.

"I'm allowed to get married, milady." Kans said softly.

"As if anyone would want to."

"Obviously someone does because we are here for his wedding." Higgs mumbled loudly.

"You hold your tongue, boy." The stern woman spat.

"How did you even find out about this? We've been quite discreet."

"Leave it to Radek's idiotic memory and a calendar... and the fact that Phaybl came all the way back to England? She vowed when she left that she wouldn't step foot back here for a visit." The black haired woman said beside Lady Northumberly.

"Fuchsia just got married a week ago!" Kans argued.

"As much as she loves Fuchsia, Phabyl would never cross the Channel just for her... but she'd definitely come back for you."

"This is just complete bullocks and foolhardy madness. Where is your father?" she growled.

"Probably doing what he does best: avoiding you." Higgs said.

"You insolent, disgusting little boy!" she hissed, rearing back her arm to smack Higgs when it was caught by a large hand.

"Silvia, calm down." The large black haired man said with a bored look. "I told you to leave the boy in peace, but you just had to come."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now