Backup Devices Teasing & Blushing

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"Mommy, Mommy, wake up, wake up!" I felt Bella jumping up and down on the bed. "Tt Princess let mommy sleep let's go" I groaned knowing I had to get up soon. I turned over to get my phone but removed I don't have it because someone took it.

"Tt what are you looking for?" I turned back over and rubbed my eyes. "My phone" I pulled my hand out signaling I wanted my phone. He just looked my hands and walked to the closet with Bella. I sat up so quick causing myself hair to fly on my face.

"Seriously?" I glared at the closet, "It's 6:45 in the morning what do you need your phone for?" I yawned "First off I need to check on my commissions list second I need to see if Lois sent the address so we could get her" he poked his head out of the closet Bella following his movement.

"You're half sleep trying to check on commissions? Especially when it's almost 7:00 in the morning?" I nodded my head "I'll check both for you, you can go back to sleep" I face palmed. "You won't be able to tell between the done, almost done, and not started commissions. So just hand me my iPad then I'll go back to sleep" he thought about it then shook his head and went back into the closet.

"CHLOE!" I shouted Chloe ran in panting "Mari-bug what's wrong?" I crossed my arms. "I need to check on my commissions list and he took all my phones, my iPad, my laptop, and my Apple Watch last night" she looked at me then Damian. "Why?" She asked I looked at her and shook my head.

"Okay so you want me to give you your backup iPad that I held for you?" I nodded my head as she went to get it. She brought it back to me and I hugged her "Thanks Queenie" she walked out most likely to go back to sleep. I leaned back against the head bored and sighed with relief.

"Really?" I nodded my head "Each of my friends has a backup for me" I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and got Bella dressed. I looked at the list and see I have a commission for Clara, Jagged, Gabriel, and all the Wayne's? Seriously all of them don't they know I'm MDC? I face palmed

"Why did Bruce order suits for all of you" I put the laptop on my lap. "Probably for the gala in two weeks" I groaned maybe I could used my powers to help. "See I have commissions for Jagged, Clara, Gabriel, and a suit for each of you, not to mention a dress for three people he requested" I got up and walked to the room with my designing stuff.

I decided to do Clara and Jaggeds first because they need them for their concerts next week and the week after. Without my air bending it'd take I'd say 4 hours per outfit but with it 2 hours. So Jagged outfit was first since he needed it by next week, technically I started it I just need to finish the top.

(4 hours later)

I finished both outfits with minimal distractions, I had to get up to go look at my iPad to see the time. I walked in the room to find it gone, are you fucking kidding me. "DAMIAN AL GHUL WAYNE GIVE ME MY PHONE AND IPAD!" I heard him shout back from down stairs "NO" I mumbled under my breath and stomped downstairs.

I walked over to Kagami after hugging Bella, "You want your other phone don't you" I nodded. She sighed and went in her back to grab it, she handed it to me and I instantly smiled and kissed her cheek. "You guys are the best!" I walked away.

I walked outside to sit in the garden completely forgetting the weather from last night. The air wasn't as cold as yesterday but it was cold enough. I squealed "GUYS HOODIE" I yelled they all came to the door. Nino threw me his hoodie and I put it on, "Whew thanks Nino" I went and sat in the middle of the flowers.

Some of them were dying, I could see no one took care of them. I healed them slowly, they started to go back to normal. I opened my phone to see a message from Lois, I screamed "AH IM SUPPOSED TO GET HER AT 1:45 ITS 11:30" I ran inside and got dressed.

Damian walked I "Are you going?" He nodded as I walked out of the closet. Tikki, Plagg, and Mullo were sleeping so I put them in my bag. I ran downstairs and grabbed my car keys, "Guys we'll be back later" they all said bye as I walked out.

I saw Dom waiting outside I walked over to him. "Dom I told you that you were off for the week" Bella saw Dom and hugged him. "Yes but it's not everyday you go speak with your mother now is it" I smiled and hugged him, "Plus, my wife and kids went to visit her parents so I'm back to drive you around" I nodded as we got in the car. I have him the address and we drove off.

"Dom from now on after you drop me off somewhere you leave and go eat or something. You don't have to wait outside for us the whole time" he smiled and nodded.

Bella was in her car seat with Damian tickling her, then I looked back to last night conversation. I face palmed and sunk into my seat, it was the low energy talking. "Tt Angel what's wrong" ugh the nickname I flushed red and put my hands on my face.

He took them off and smirked I glared at him. "Tt you okay?" I took my hands back and covered my face again. I groaned "I hate it here" I mumbled I'm Japanese. He leaned into my face, "Tt you love it here" they kissed my cheek.

Fucking hell I sunk into my seat redder than my ladybug suit. He tried to move my hands again but they wouldn't budge. "Leave me alone asshole" I mumbled "Mommy what did Dami do?" I looked at her through my hands. "He's being annoying Bells" he rolled his eyes as Bella looked at him.

"Why?" I giggled "I'm not I'm just fulfilling last nights commitment" he smirked. I glared at him through my fingers, "What commitment?" I looked at Bella "Well you see last night me and your mommy had a talk about-" I jumped over and covered his mouth.

"We had a talk about your birthday plans" I smiled at her as she giggled. "Ew did you just lick my hand!" I yelled he chuckled and held my wrists. "Yup" he said popping the P then pecked me. I froze, did he just? No he didn't. Wait I thought- ugh making my life so ughh.

"Mommy, are you okay?" I slowly turned my head to Bella and nodded slowly. Damian just chuckled I heard Dom laugh slightly. "Tt, I think she's broken" he said I hid my face in his chest. "Stupid asshole, catching me off guard, now I'm a blushing mess" I mumbled all of this in Arabic.

"You know Bella is right here you wouldn't want her to curse now would you?" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I shook my head and went to move away but was pulled back into a hug.

"Let me go" he shook his head and whispered his breath tickling my neck. "Tt nope, because we made a deal yesterday which you seem to have forgotten" he kissed my cheek and pulled away as the limo stopped. "I don't like you" I moved my head and huffed as I saw Lois come out of the house.

This was going to be a long day....

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