Chapter Nine- An Undeniable Ending

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...The Blade...

Days. That was how long we had until the meeting. Michael was dealing with the situation in the mines, I was making sure our plan was calculated correctly. It felt like we were racing against time. At first, we had all the time in the world, but ever since the incident, the almost severe explosion in the mines, we were scrambling to make it work.

Plus, since that day, things had gotten worse. Earthquakes rattled the area around the gem mines, creating confusion in Iaspis City. It was hard to keep under wraps, hard to lie about, especially when this was all so powerful. I knew the secret would come out eventually, it was only a matter of time, really. The only question was when. When would people finally figure out that the shudders pulsing through the earth were not natural? That deep underground, something was starting to awaken.

The Blood King wanted to discuss peace, but I knew that was not what he was planning. A messenger confirmed that much. He told me that no matter how much it seems like they wanted peace, they did not. It was all a ploy to get into the palace and kill me. So, that's when I had the idea to take his second hand, and that was what we were going to do in a few days' time.

The assassin I sent out never came back in time. I was worried about what had happened to him. But that was a matter for a different time, now I had a situation to solve. After a long day of solving the problems in the city, it was time to make sure everything was ready to leave. We would leave that night. In order to be there on time, we had to leave early for the long journey. I looked over my map one last time to make sure my route was the right one.

I was in front of the palace, the moon was up in the sky, red like fresh blood. It was celebration season for many of the people in the town, if only they knew what it really meant. I handed the map over to the driver, pulling in front of him, two horses. The night was cool, fall was approaching sooner than I thought it would. I pulled the red cloak tight around my shoulders, hoping to ward off the chilly air. Even though the nights were cold, the day would be even hotter.

It was a confusing cycle, one that I knew well.

I stepped before the carriage, looked back to see my guards posted behind me. Soon they would step into a carriage of their own. Three carriages, one for me, one for my guard, and one for the prisoner once we had him.

Michael wasn't coming either. He had to hold down the fort at the gem mine. It was too dangerous to leave alone. I didn't want to leave him here, but the situation demanded it. If everything went smoothly there wouldn't be anything to worry about. He would be alright. Though the earthquakes made me worried. The people wanted answers, and I wasn't delivering any good ones. Excuses mostly.

Since the first day in the gem mines, Michael reported that the earthquakes were stable, unchanging, for now. They hadn't seemed to be getting any worse. But, upon returning from the meeting with the Blood King, something long term would have to be figured out, and fast.

So, I forced myself onto the carriage, after making sure everything was ready. The journey would take less than a week at most. At least a few days. The latter was what I hoped for.

I grew anxious as I waited for the carriage to begin its journey. Suddenly the ground began to shake. It started slow at first, but the jolts came rapidly within only a few seconds. It was a strange feeling, one that I didn't think I would ever get used to, but one I became more familiar with as often as the tremors came.

For what felt like only a few moments, the ground shook, then as quickly as it started, it gradually stopped. The earthquake wasn't anything enough to damage anything, at least not at this distance. Adding to my previous panic, I again worried if everything was fine in the mines.

Pushing aside my fear, I focused on the task at hand. I closed my eyes and drew slow deep breaths. I had to be calm, especially when I was on the way to meet the Blood King for only a second time. I couldn't lose myself now, that would mean losing my empire too.

Sitting in my seat, looking out the window, I watched as the palace grew small, as the distance between me and my home grew smaller. It was lit by hundreds of beautiful lanterns, ones that turned into mere specks as the carriage rode away. The smooth sandstone of the palace walls and white stained-glass windows became small, and soon the rest of the empire followed. Then, with the stars above, we made our way into the endless fields and plains, where the wildflowers grew, and the grass was tall. But because of the disguising night, I couldn't even admire the scenery.

This war, this story, was about to come to an end. If I couldn't fix it, if I couldn't stop the war, or kill the Blood King, the earthquakes and their dangerous cause would certainly make sure no one was alive to witness its victory.

Note: This chapter is super short, soo sorry about that. I have been very busy lately. The next chapter will be longer guaranteed. I am almost done writing it, so it should be out within the next week. Again, thanks to everyone who still reads this :)

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