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Afew hours had passed.  It was nearly 8am.  Marceline set her book down onto her bedside table.  She had finished her book and had literally nothing to do but worry about the reeping that was to be taking place in just over four hours.
She sat on top of her covers looking around her empty room.  She had Hambo.  Hambo was her childhood toy.  She can't remember where the name came from but for some reason never forgot it. She also had piles of books in the corner of the room.  She had read and reread all of her books.
Reading was one of the only ways to pass the time in a place like this.  That and child labour.
She had worked from the age of ten in a bar.  Nothing big, just cleaning up after people.  It was her way of life.  
After a while of sitting in silence, not even a thought, she decided to go on a walk.  Considering not many people would be out at this time she slid into her clothes from the previous day and left a note for Simon.

She strolled along the empty streets.  Hands in pockets and she kicked the dirt.  Every shop was closed due to the reeping and no one was to be seen.  She approached the fence that cooped them up in the district like chickens.  She hated it.  She hated the Capital.  What do they get out of this?
She was sick of it.  She wanted to leave.
I just need out. She stretched her hand forwards slowly towards the fence. Just abit further. She kept reaching out.  Getting closer and closer. I am so close yet so far to freedom.  Just abit more. The very tip of her fore finger touched the fence for all of a second until the electricity shot completely through her and she fell backwards.  "Fuck!" She screamed.  On her back, she tried to stand up but the stregth of the shock left her paralized for several minutes.
Once she got the strength to stand, she got to her feet and cursed in anger.  She grabbed the biggest rock in sight and hurled it at the fence. "What's the point?" she mumbled.  "What's the FUCKING POINT?!" She was alot louder now but no one was around to hear her.
'Maybe it'd be good if my name was called out.' She thought to herself. 'It'll end all my suffering in this dump anyway.'
She found a tree and climbed into it.  She climbed to it's tallest branch and looked over the district. As time passed, she started to slip into a deep sleep.

Marceline was on stage.  Now standing again.  No one had noticed her falling.  She could hear again but there was complete silence as another name was called.  It was an unfamiliar name. She wondered who it would be but no one made there way towards the stage.
There was a sudden scream and everyone started collapsing.  What was going on? The Peace Keepers shot blindly at the vulnerable crowd.  She felt something hit her chest.  Have I been shot? She thought.  Things started getting dark and faint voices started calling out to her. "Marcy.  Marcy." It then got louder.  "Marceline!"

She awoke and rubbed her eyes.  Still in the tree, she looked below her.  Simon was standing there. "It is eleven o'clock!" He yelled up to her.  "We must get home, it starts soon!"
"Ughhh!" Marceline moaned.  She looked at her chest to find an empty bird nest had fallen onto her. She removed it and slid down the tree.
"Let's go then."  She tried to smile but deep down she felt as if she were about to drop dead.
They made their way back to the house when Simon pulled something out of his pocket.  "It's nothing much." He said.  "But I hope it can make you feel better."
It was a cookie.  Just abit smaller than her hand.  "It's fresh from the bakery.  It's still warm." He smiled helplessly.  Marceline stared at it.  Not knowing what to do.  It may not seem like much but to someone from District 12, it was a rare treat.
She took it but before eating it she broke it in half and gave the larger half to Simon.  "Thank you." She gulped.  "It means alot."
They arrived home and they went inside.  "We'll head out soon so get ready." He ordered.  "I am ready."  She protested.  "Oh Mar-Mar."  He frowned.
"Don't call me that!  I'm not a kid!"  She snarled.  She had a terrible temper.
"I'm sorry." He regretted calling her it the moment it left his lips.  "Whatever.  I'm away to my room. Come get me when we're leaving." She stormed off to her room and slammed the door.  Leaving Simon standing alone in the small hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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