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•Expect some wrong grammar

A loud thud was heard in the kitchen,I look at my side and a girl was panicking.

🐸: Here
🍞: Thank you

I give her the broom,she accepted it with a smile in her face despite knowing she will be scolded in any minute now. She's Honda Hitomi,she started working here when I was about to find another job.

I look into her eyes,I can see that she's really nervous. I give her a smile and she did the same thing to.

🐸: Don't worry,I'll take the blame
🍞: No!... I mean no
🐸: I'll be fine,I know you need this job
🍞: And you need this too
🐸: I can find another job *smile* and also I'm just here helping dad
🍞: Your Dad will kill you
🐸: Trust me,she will not hurt me
🍞: But---
🐸: No more buts,she love me. She won't hurt me
🍞: ...
🐸: I'll take the costumer okey?
🍞: ...

When Dad came she questioned and scolded be but it's fine.

After my job at the coffee shop I headed home. When I got inside I quickly change my clothes and lay on my bed,I take my notebook out and started reading, I do this when i feel down.

My Notebook contains good memories,I write things that I love,I write things that I'm sure I'll never see again. I only write beautiful things,the bad one I leave them behind because I will forget about them eventually.

I don't remember people/things/places when I only see them once. I hate this disease so much,I had to stop school and help Mom and Dad with the financial needs

My Disease started when I turn 9,dad notice it and she was so sad. Due to financial problems i decline the offer to go and check my brain

The things that I only remember is the things that I always see and the things that I always do.


🐸: Wae?

Are you home?:😐

🐸: Yes

I'll stop by:😐

🐸: Buy some food

I will,I bet you're hungry again:😐

🐸: Don't bring your boyfriend

Uhmm... About that... She's with me:😐

🐸: Forget it,just bring me some food


She clean her small apartment before going back to bed,after a few minutes she heard a knock

🐸: It's not lock!
😐: Hi---
🐸: Don't hug me,you stink
😐: Yah,I change my clothes before going her
🐸: You can tell your boyfriend to come in

Yeji turn around to see her boyfriend/Girlfriend standing still outside.

😐: what are you doing? Come in,she won't bite
💙: I know
🐸: Where's the food?
💙: Here
🐸: thank you
😐: Your apartment is so small
🐸: But I like it here

Minju starts munching her food,Yeji starts looking around. Ryujin sit beside minju while using her phone. Minju drink Yeji's juice without asking any permission.

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