"Back to normal"

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Sae-byeok: It hasn't been a long time since I got out of that weird place. I lost a lot of blood but old man told the front man to help me, so he did. I'm back to Korea.. I'm Completely alone once again.. Without my brother this time. He was the only one I had left.. I don't even know where he is anymore, I can't find him in the shelter. Maybe Gi-hun is alive but Sang-woo is way too clever, he could kill anyone even if they were his own family.. and Ji-yeong.. *sighs* I still can't stop thinking about her.. My head is about to explode beacuse of it. I miss her so much..

*Few hours earlier*

*Gi-hun comes down from the airlplane talking to his daughter* Yes! Yes! I arrived and I already miss you so much! Hope I see you again soon. Bye! I love you too! *giggles and hangs up*

Gi-hun: It's been around one week or two after the game ended, A lot of things have happened after that. I'm going to see Cheol today, we're gonna go out and have some fun, i'll try to distract him from thinking about his sister.. I can't tell him anything about what happened.. She didn't deserve to die like that.

*At sang-woo's mom*

Cheol: GI-HUN IS HERE!!!
Gi-hun: Hello there! I'm going to take Cheol out today!
Sang-woo's mom: of course my dear! Have you heard anything from Sang-woo tho?
*Gi-hun stood in silence, not knowing what to say*
Sang-woo's mom: Ok i'm not gonna waste your time you can take Cheol.

*After a while*
Gi-hun: Hey, Cheol wait here i'll go get something for you. What do you want?
Cheol: I don't want anything right now.
Gi-hun: Oh come on! You gotta want something.
Cheol: *nods his head*
Gi-hun: Ok i'm gonna buy you some fries and be right back. Wait for me right here!

*Cheol stood there waiting for Gi-hun to come back when someone went straight up to him and hugged him really tight. He couldn't see who it was and started panicking but the person was hugging him so tight that he couldn't do anything*

*Gi hun arrived out of nowhere and took Cheol*
Gi-hun: HEY! Let go off the boy! Who are you?!

To be continued..

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