"Back together"

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*Gi-hun gasps as the person turns around*

*Few minutes earlier*
Sae-Byeok: I've been walking around the street hoping to find someone I know, but It doesn't seem to be like that.. I have a little bit of money that I saved up before the game, i'm gonna get some food.
*As she waited for her order to be done, she saw someone really familiar. It was a little boy. He turned around and Sae-byeok rushed to him, screaming in happines*
*Gi-hun went up to her and snatched Cheol out of her hands*
Gi-hun: HEY! Let go off the boy! Who are you?!
*Sae-byeok turned around slowly and saw Gi-hun standing next to her with Cheol. Gi-hun gasped in shock and emidietly hugged her*
Cheol: SIS!!!
Gi-hun: H-how? How are you still alive?
Sae-byeok: it's a long story.. Let's not talk about it right now.

*Gi-hun left Cheol at home and took a walk with Sae-byeok*
Gi-hun: So umm.. How are you still aliv-
Sae-byeok: Yea about that..
When soldiers put me in the box, I was still alive. What had turned out to happen was that, the old man told the front man to help me escape. When soldiers were taking the box I was in, to burn it, the front man distracted soldiers and the other soldier who knew about the plan took me out of the box quietly and replaced my body with someone's dead body. When I woke up.. I was back to Korea and that's all. What about you tho? I mean it is obvious that you won but how?
Gi-hun: It was.. Exhausting and nerve wracking.. We fought but I still couldn't kill him. He was my childhood friend after all. I was about to end the game and leave empty handed but he killed himself and that's basically it. OH, I almost forgot! I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes.
*Sae-byeok closes her eyes*
Gi-hun: now.. Open them!
*Sae-byeok opens her eyes and doesn't even know what to say because of how much shock she's in*

To be continued...

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