Time To Say Goodbye

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Arisa was sitting out in the garden drinking her tea when she felt a tap on her shoulder she was handed the phone " hello " she said it was her mother they started talking her mother was telling her that her and her step father were moving from busan to Seoul as Mr park was offered a president position working for the ceo of Kim enterprise ( thank to namjoon pulling some strings for her) as her mother continued speaking she started tearing up her mother said " honey I'm not far away you and yoongi can always visit us " she smiled through the phone call even though her heart was being ripped apart once more after she hung up the phone she sat there not knowing that someone was there looking at her.

She walked back into the house and yoongi says " come I'll take you to your mother's place" arisa says " I'll come back here right " he looks up at her cupping her face " no baby you're free , I have to let you go" she stares at him as yoongi's men had her packed bags " come on arisa let's get going" jimin runs down stairs and hugs her she hugged him back seeing yoongi walk into the office she nods and says to jimin " tell the boys I love them and I'll miss them please" she got in the car knowing that maybe this is the last time she would see yoongi and jisoo she couldn't help but feel sad about this.


A new customer came in his name was seungho he ordered a almond milk latte he was very chatty with arisa " how long have you owned this place miss?" He asked arisa replied " since I graduated collage about two years ago" he then said goodbye and went back to his car " how is she ?" Asked the voice " she's seems okay but sad" said seungho to the young man " atleast she's happy " says yoongi he was missing her badly.

Arisa started feeling nausea after closing up she ran straight to the sink and threw up " ugh must have been the quiche I ate " she says she grabbed her bag and locked up and left she went home and fell asleep on the couch she woke up in the morning and ran straight to the bathroom aerum comes out and says " ari you've been throwing up for days now do you think you could maybe be pregnant?" Arisa laughed and then stopped " noooo that's impossible, it was only twice" aerum says " honey that's all it takes let's get a test just to be sure" they head to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test the elderly woman looks at her " it's for my sister" says arisa she pays for it and leave they go back to the appartment and she takes the test and sees two lines she gasped and says " it's positive " she looks at aerum " looks like I'm an aunty" she stares at the test and says " how indirectly the fuck I'll tell yoongi" aerum says " you will when the time is right" they both look at eachother .

New day, new dawn

Arisa wakes up and make herself breakfast which of course are cannot finish aerum finishes for her ( aerum moved in with arisa after her mother moved to the United States) they head to work where aerum says to arisa " you sit stay good girl" arisa says " do I beg for treats to" she laughs she sees pink roses at the door with a card " keep smiling it makes your eyes sparkling love y.m " she smiles and says " yoongi how does he know?" She picks them up and puts them in a vase aerum makes her a peppermint tea the Cafe was busy keeping her distracted it was in that moment knowing that she is carrying his child and she realised she's in love with him truly madly deeply but how? And when did she fall for him does he feel the same she had some many questions.

Aerum says " you're in love with him right?" She nods and smiles mean while a silver car watching her every move.

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