Chapter 1 - Part 1

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Please note that this story could/possibly have spelling & grammar mistakes as it will not be edited until after it is completed.



College was starting. A whole new year was starting. I could hear the eager-like sounds of other freshmen who seemed to be embracing their new parent-free environment. 

I was content too maybe even elated but somehow my thoughts just couldn't reach my inner ward feelings. It was weird because I had a new life and a new boyfriend. Yet my heart felt like a hardened stone; as it kept beating faster with every passing memory of him. He flooded every corner of my poor, naive brain.

Where he was now I had absolutely no idea. I mean how the hell would I know where an immortal being with a probably broken heart was located, on a planet that consisted of exactly 7.9 billion people. We may have been over for months on end now but that didn't mean I abruptly stopped caring about him or what he was doing at the same second my ugly-ass eyes were staring through the window pane. He used to be the piece of my heart I was missing for years and I was his as he so eloquently put it.

Guilt gnawed into my insides as walking down memory lane quickly went south when the last moment we shared together crawled its way through the darkest depths of my messed up heart. Tears started brimming under my weary eyelids, and my porcelain hands balled up into tiny, curled fists with my fingernails digging in so hard I could actually sense the tiniest drops of blood dripping out. The sudden jerk of a door snapped my attention back to the reality of college. My icy blue gaze connected to meet a golden-haired figure standing in the doorway. 

I had to admit that I had never seen such an attractive individual, in my life with one unnamed exception. Her beautifully curled hair sprang around her light-toned chest; having frail arms as if she never ate or drank a day in her life. If I had to guess I would say that the new generation of our era would think of her fashion style as 'cute' and 'trendy'. The slim girl just smiled at me with such warmth that it made me feel guilty for sulking in here like a child and feeling sorry for myself. That was why I returned her smile and walked towards her with complete friendliness controlling me. 

Behind her, I noticed an enormously fuchsia-coloured piece of luggage that was trailing presently on its rounded wheels. My new roommate must have been rich or at least had come from a ridiculously wealthy family. At the back of my frayed mind, I pondered as to whether a blind person would be able to feel the intensity of the girl's diamond-studded necklace.

"You must be... Nikki?" Her honey-coated voice asked although it sounded more like an excited statement. Annoyance edged into my face, and I wanted to yell at her for her impudent incompetence but just as my tongue was about to move, I realised that my agitation was because of reminiscing down memory lane.

My reaction must have been noticeable because my freckle-faced roommate looked away suddenly as if she was feeling embarrassed.

"It is Nixie actually." I gritted my teeth, at the way I behaved earlier. It wasn't fair to vent my frustrations on the new girl when she had done nothing wrong. Running my stiff hands through my coal-black hair, it was kind of tense in the room now, but I snapped myself out of it completely and decided to reintroduce myself.

The memories of the past and the memories of my greatest love will always be cherished silently in my heart. But it was all in the past, and I would never be able to create a future if I kept on getting stuck in the past.

"I am really just not myself today," I explained in exasperation as my nameless roommate turned back to look at me. There was amusement sparking her eyes and the corners of her feather-like lips crept up into a smile.

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