New broom sweeps clean

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Jimin looked around him pleased, it had taken nearly a week to turn the office into a working piece of art.
He had enlisted all the office staffs concerns ideas and help, noting what jobs they had applied for as opposed to what they were doing, he had asked peoples preference of work area but also said that they may have to report to a different area depending on workload, unfortunately one member of staff had left realising that now he couldn't just coast along as he preferred but Jimin felt they had adequate staff in essential workplaces, desks had been moved to associate with teams A,B and C  the staff eager to help and earning a meal as a treat from Jimin.
So everything now was in place tidy, exuding an air of capability instead of chaos and the staff now smiling instead of looking stressed. The only downside was Jungkook still yelling at any staff member to do something that shouldn't concern them, Jimin had firmly put him in his place telling him to act like a boss not a whiny child, all in front of the staff making quite a few snigger.
He had put his desk just outside of Jungkooks office, he had sorted out messy files and paperwork and engaged a very nice male Jin to take calls and divert them to relevant staff and be the face to greet guests in a now cordoned off reception area.
He had even borrowed a camera and taken pictures of  staff charting it up with their place in the company, he hadn't needed to take Jungkooks as there were so many of him around so he chose one and added it to the pyramid shaped chart which was now framed and put in reception seating area.
He sat down at his desk, Jungkook wasn't in yet so he looked up the booked appointments and printed it out putting it on Jungkooks desk and alerting the other staff to times and things needed for each photoshoot.
The first appointment had arrived yet not Jungkook , Jimin politely saw them seated with coffee and assuring them things would be ready soon .
Jimin had picked up the phone ready to call Jungkook when he sauntered in hair tousled and yawning.
"Your late, your first appointment is here......., you look like you just rolled out of bed."
Thinking to annoy the prim boy a bit he said,"hasn't your girlfriend ever kept you up late or do you set yourself a time to be done and dusted and out of her bed?" He smirked.
"Well, 'darling," Jimin said in a sultry voice," I'm gay, but I always leave my boyfriend wanting more!"
He sauntered back to his desk leaving Jungkook gaping like a goldfish slightly turned on by the words and his own imagination.
Jungkook got to work being extra nice to the people he'd made wait.Everything ran smoothly for the shoot in fact before Jungkook could open his mouth the next thing he wanted was in his hand.
The whole day went like that and jungkook could see what an influence Jimin was in fact because everything was organised he finished working earlier than usual.
He was not one to shirk from admitting he was wrong so calling all the staff together he spoke up.
"I'd just like to say a proper welcome to Jimin who I have especially realised was someone we needed here due to the er chaotic Erm way I ran things, as we can see it's now run properly, also to our new member Jin I appreciate how easily you have fit into your role, to the rest of you thank you for putting up with me and I will try to do better."
He bowed to his staff and they cheered him.
Jimin smiled turning to his desk and tidying up before picking up his car keys nodding to others and leaving to go, stopping to talk to Jin.
They were chatting as a tall handsome male walked in, Jin switched to receptionist mode," hello sir may I help you?"
The man smiled at Jin," oh I'm sure you could," he said in a way that made Jin blush and Jimin grin.
" I'm actually waiting for....oh there you are Kook!"
"Hey RM, thanks for bringing my jacket and wallet,"
"Well you were in such a rush when you left this morning, I told you we shouldn't stay up for most of the night playing games at my house"
"So much for a girl keeping him busy," Jimin muttered but Jungkook heard, " kook you haven't introduced us," Rm said, staring at Jin and smiling.
"Jin and Jimin, this is RM my friend,"
"RM?  Do you know Suga?" Jimin asked.
"Yes we produce a lot of things together , I don't think he's mentioned you Jimin."
Jungkook smirked," why should he mention a PA,"
Jimin frowned at Jungkook then turned to RM who he had heard a lot about from Suga , he knew Suga had told RM about him under his other name and he knew RM kept the secret.
"Maybe Moochi?"
RM grinned realising now, "of course "he said giving the boy a wink.
Jin and Jungkook looked confused.
Changing the subject RM asked," so is work over? do you all want to come out to a bar?"
"I'm going home," Jungkook said ," I'm sure they're tired too,"
"Is there dancing "asked Jin when he got a nod both Jin and Jimin said yes, causing Jungkook to rethink his answer," I s'pose I could come," he said.
"Oh don't put yourself out," Jimin said hopefully.
Jungkook knew the other was hoping he wouldn't go but he decided he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
Going outside Jimin wondered what to do about his car," I'll drive us "Jungkook said," Jimin leave your car here, RM did you get a taxi, ?"
"Yer knew I could get a lift with you."
They went towards Jungkooks car, Jimin went sit in the back but RM stalled him saying he would sit with Jin, Jimin smiled getting into the front.
The whole time Jungkook drove he was aware of Jimin, his unique smell that tantalised his nostrils, his small hands fingers drumming on his leg.
While Jin and RM were chatting in the back the front was quiet , too quiet for Jungkook so he turned the radio on, Jimin smiled it was a song he loved and had sung in, he looked into the rear view mirror catching RM's eye who suddenly belted out the rap part, Jimin much to the other two's amazement  joining in the chorus in perfect pitch.
"Wow, you two are good," Jin said.
Jimin giggled, the sound bringing a smile to Jungkooks lips,cute he thought.
Arriving at the bar they went in," Hobi!" RM said to a man near the bar"RM,KOOK! Nice to see you and who do we have here?"
Jin and Jimin were introduced to Hobi , the bar owner.
He led them to a table sitting with them , soon all conversation was about silly things , best rap song, best hangover cure, stupid things they had done in their life, when asked about his Jimin said," trusting the one who lived with me," his eyes were cold and then he snapped out of it," sorry, that was a bit of a bummer....., whose any good at dancing?" Hobi jumped up pulling the small boy to an area set aside for dancing, soon he and Jimin had an audience they were so in sync almost like a dance team.
RM and Jin clapped and cheered along with the others, Jungkook picked up his wine staring at the small boy dancing so expertly hips thrusting and booty swinging, he felt his trousers tightening and had to adjust himself a bit, not once taking his eyes from the small male, who would have guessed Jimin the hard task master could be so carefree . Soon more people joined the dancing, Jin and RM getting up close and personal , making his mind up Jungkook strode into the floor staring into Jimins eyes as he danced next to him, it almost became a contest, who could hold out longer as the sexual tension between them grew,a hand on a hip, swaying in rythm together, Jimins eyes dark and sultry, he looked at Jungkook who was doing nothing to hide his desire....., Jimin leaned towards the other to whisper in his ear.......," goodnight Jungkook see you at work tomorrow ," jungkook gaped, watching the boy wander off the dance floor saying goodbye to the others and leaving, pulling himself together he realised where he was and chased out of the door just in time to see Jimin get in a taxi and drive off. Damn he thought, hadn't Jimin felt like him wanting to take it further or was he just a tease, walking back into the bar he went to the table swallowing down his drink and ordering another staying with the others for another hour before realising it wasn't the same since Jimin went home, so waving goodbye he left going home to his cold empty bed.

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