Hate is the other side of love

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Jimin nervously sat outside the courtroom, not allowed in just yet, he'd been told that he was a witness for the defence so couldn't hear any of the case. He'd begged Jungkook to sit inside so he could relay later what had happened.
The case had been going on for a while before Jimin was called in.
He went in swore to tell the truth and sat down, his eyes seeking Jungkook and sighing when he saw him, then turning he caught Chanyeol eyes getting a smirk from him.
The defense attorney stood up.
"Mr Park am I right in assuming you had a relationship with the defendant?"
"Was it you or him that stopped the relationship."
"So would I be right in saying you wanted to get your own back and that's why you brought charges?"
No......, I'm not like that."
"But this man left you for someone else and you what?"
" it was for the best. We broke up."
"So it was pure coincidence that you were both at the same hotel ?"
"But didn't you call him to meet you outside?"
"What.....no! He called me!"
"So you say....."
"He did others heard it ring!"
"Hmmm,again so you say."
"Didn't you used to pay the defendant to get him to stay with you?"
"No...yes,I mean he stayed and I paid,"
"So you were like a pimp?"
"What!no ..., I thought we were in love until he cheated on me,"
"Hmmm?" The defense attorney," if you say so??
Jimin  looked around , why the heck did he feel like he was the one who had committed a crime.
Jungkooks hands clenched in his lap, why was Jimin being treated like this it wasn't him on trial.
"As I said before Mr Park this is something that just got out of hand between two ex's and you I suggest Mr Park are taking it further through spite of being dropped by your boyfriend ."
"That's not true! He's done it before!"
The defense attorney sat down, Chanyeol smirked knowing how they had made Jimin look.
The prosecutor stood up," Mr Park do you love this man?"
"Did he use you like a leech all the time he was with you?"
"Is this the first time he has hurt you,"
"Where's your proof liar," Chanyeol shouted
"Your honour I'd like to submit into evidence these photographs taken and signed by the doctor at the time who was most concerned about the harm done, if you'd like to look at the screen"
Images came up, Jimins throat, clear bruising handprints there, a black eye, a cut lip.gasps came from the jury.
"Do you swear these are true photographs of damage done by the defendant?"
"Yes," Jimin quietly said
Chanyeol realised this wasn't going to go the way he wanted.
"Come on ,Jimin, you know I didn't mean it you just got me annoyed."
"Quiet down!" The judge said.
"Mr Park can you tell me why this happened on this day?"
"I questioned him on where he had been, he didn't like it, it was two weeks before he left me for someone else, he....persuaded me he hadn't meant it so I kept the photos but didn't bring charges, when he left although upset he had cheated in a way I was relieved."
"Do you agree at all with the defense attorney that you did this time out of spite?"
"No I don't,I am completely over him, he on the other hand seems to have this love/hate relationship with me, whereas I have moved on he still sees me as his property in some way, he instigated the meeting and the consequences."
" thank you Mr Park you may go."
Jimin sat down next to Jungkook his body shaking, then an arm came around him calming him.
The prosecutor showed pictures and camera footage from the hotel of all Chanyeol had done.
The jury went out coming back surprisingly quickly.
"How do you the jury find the defendant?"
Chanyeol started yelling," you little bitch Jimin, you deserved it, all the time I put up with you, so what if you paid my way, you had nobody else, your new boyfriend probably already knows what a lousy lay you are he'll soon give up on you too with your better than everyone attitude, I'll get you, just wait and see!"
"Silence!" The judge shouted," I can see from your attitude that you have no regrets, bullying and assault against anyone will not be tolerated and I praise Mr Park for having courage to speak out against a domineering personality as yours, unfortunately too many victims suffer in silence....., I hereby sentence you to eighteen months in prison with the proviso that when you come out you are not to make contact with Mr Park in any way, if you do so you will be incarcerated for another year."
Chanyeol was led away screaming obscenities .
Jimin sat there, he felt guilty and relieved. The prosecutor came up patting him on the back," well done, I'm sorry for what the defense attorney put you through but glad you persevered."
He left, Jungkook walked Jimin out looking at him worriedly.
" let's pick our stuff up and go the car will be there shortly. Jimin nodded not saying a word.
They were being driven back, Jimin had hardly spoken since they left the courtroom.
"So are you going to tell me what you are mulling over in your head?"
"I've ruined someone's life, he's licked up because of me!"
"Don't you dare let him be the victim, he is a manipulating bully!"
"You heard him he said it was my attitude a-and I'm not any good in bed, I don't know I don't have a comparison, that's probably why he cheated if I'm no good there........have I got a bad attitude?"
" jimin, he was trying to get the better of you don't believe any of it, you have a caring responsible attitude as for the other........,I hope to find out one day." He said staring deep into the small boys eyes , Jimin blushed then leaned back," I'm so tired....."
"Go to sleep, you need to rest."
Jimin closed his eyes, soon falling asleep slipping towards Jungkooks shoulder.
Jungkook looked down, he felt so protective of this small boy he didn't want to see him hurt again.

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