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namjoon would make a big bite of the food, rolling it around the fork as he did so, reaching his hand out carefully so yunmi could take a bite.

"does it taste good?" he'd ask softly, watching yunmi nod with a smile, playing with the hem of the pillow in her lap.

"mhm! way better than what they serve here.. thank you for always bringing food for me, joon-ah" she'd smile, eating another bite as namjoon fed her, chewing as she looked away.

"will you come here for dinner too? i'd really like it if you could.." yunmi would timidly add, watching namjoon glance down at the food, contemplating for a while.

and namjoon of course couldn't stay with her tonight, having promised a dinner to jungkook; so he'd shake his head softly, looking up at her with a tight lipped smile.

"i have work today, yunmi.. i might have to stay late too.. we can have dinner tomorrow?" he'd suggest, while he looked back down to make another bite for her, feeding it to her slowly.

the second time namjoon lied to her.

"ah, is that so? that's okay.. tomorrow works too" she'd mumble, eating the bite that namjoon fed her, looking down at her lap.

namjoon would still be occupied in his thoughts, swirling the fork idly in the food as he did so ; his mind was too occupied by jungkook. jungkook this, jungkook that, and what not. smiling to himself as he thought about the date they'll probably have, letting out a soft breath.

he really, really wants to fix things between them.





jungkook would glance at the two shirts in front of him, biting down onto his bottom lip, jutting it out as he thought about which one he'd possibly wear on the date, already feeling giddy inside.

"the blue one looks better.." wooshik would state over the call; the thing is, jungkook really did not want wooshik to get the wrong idea, so he's clearing things up with him, and wooshik offered to help him choose an attire because lately, in the past three weeks, jungkook's entire outfit looks very, very depressing.

wooshik made sure to stress on 'very'.

"you think so?" jungkook would ask, watching wooshik nod at the screen. he'd grab the shirt, letting it rest against his chest as he looked into the mirror, earning a chuckle from wooshik.

"so.. what are you guys gonna have for lunch?" wooshik would ask, earning a hum from jungkook.

"we're not having lunch together.. we're having dinner.." he muttered, watching wooshik tip his head to the side.

"dinner? jungkook... do you realise what date it is?"

and jungkook would hum im a confused manner, looking sideways at wooshik as he looked at himself, sitting down eventually.

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