Old Days

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Jk : Jimin-ah ! He shouted.
Jimin : Jungkookie ?
Jk : please come earlier tomorrow I wanna have a talk.
Jimin : sure !
Jk : I'll wait for you then.
Jimin : I'm going home then see ya.

Jimin walked to the home Still thinking about what should he buy for Jungkook birthday, he wanted something special somethings that shines the only gift Jungkook will be happy with beside all those gift
It's been six years since they are best buddies but Jimin father never allowed him to go to Jungkook place till he was fifteen with the force of his mother.
Jimin has never thought of Jungkook birthday all these years but it finally happened when after two years Jungkook decided he is having a birthday party which he absolutely hate.
As Jimin walks to his home suddenly he hears a familiar sound
Jimins Mother: Mochi !
Jimin : Omma !
Jimin Mother : come hear
Jimin : why are you aren't home what are you doing here ?
Jimins Mother : cutie don't you wanna buy something for Jungkookie ?
Jimin : I haven't decided yet.
Jimin Mother : Well your dad says you shouldn't buy him a thing, you know his behavior, I know Jungkook is a really important friend of yours So lets head to the home, dress up earlier and go the store before the party.
Jimin : Maa you're the best

Jimin wore a stunning Shirt And then he got in the car and went to the Store to buy a beautiful present for his friend's seventeenth birthday anniversary.
He looked all around about half an hour but It was worth it because he found a really beautiful gift exactly made for Jungkook. A Rolex Watch, Black with shades of dark blue and a shiny glass. It looked great but at the same time too masculine for a teenage boy.
Well Jimin didn't care he could wear it when he gets older but Jimin may not get the chance to buy him a present again.
The Blond haired boy got into car again being excited for the party.
And finally they arrived.

Mom : Jiminie
Jimin : Thanks Omma.
Mom : Wait ! Ahh Jimin-ah .. 
Jimin : Omma ?
Mom : you know your dad warned you to come back before twelve and ah..
Jimin : Don't worry Ma I'll make sure to come back in time
Mom : No no Its not like I worry but something else is that.. well.. ah please be careful I know Jungkook wouldn't hurt you but He may get drunk and Ah you know he .. he is an Alpha .. And all the Friends of him ..
Jimin : I promis to be careful ma Donnot worry !
Mom : Okay then Enjoy your time ..
Jimin : Bye !

Jimin walked Up stairs to Jungkook's house It wasn't so big neither small
He rang the doorbell and stood there waiting for Jungkook .

Jk : Hyung ?
Jimin : Kookie Happy Birthday
Jimin hugged Jungkook tightly without any thoughts.
Jimin : thanks for Inviting me !
Jk : glad you're here
Jimin : You told me to come earlier. Is there something you wanna tell me ?
Jk : oh y-yeah

Jungkook cleared his throught and started rubbing back of hos neck Jimin could see in all of sudden Jungkook became nervous.

Jimin : Kookie you seem-
Jungkook cut his words by putting his hand on Jimin mouth
Jk : Hyung-ah well.. you know It's been a really long time since We are each otger closest Friend and yeah
Ummm.. but
Jimin : Jungkook-ah did I do something wrong
Jungkook : No no I didn't mean so ! It's just that ah ... Jimin. I'm Into..

Suddebly the door rang again and when Jungkook opened the door alot of guests was already there.
The party was going really well everyone dancing and shouting then everyone ate cake and when it was time to play games teenage boys couldn't think of anything else but truth and dare.
They asked alot of dirty questions and boys did anything they could to tease the only omega that was Jimin and everytime Jungkook protected him.
When it was almost eleven o'clock Jungkook was already tired so did Jimin so Jungkook just summed the party up by saying he has an assignment due to tomorrow so everyone would left.
Finally everyone left tge house expect Jimin who told his mom to get him at twelve.

Jimin: kook-ah
Jk : Hm~ ?
Jimin : I told my mom to come at 12 may you please hand me your phone so I contact her ?
Jk : Hyung.. may you please stay a little longer ?
Jimin : Sure kookie what is it ?
Jk : Jimin you see I couldn't tell you earlier bit I'm .. ah .. like after six years.. I realized I'm kind of you know..
Jimin : just tell me !
Jk : Into..

Jungkook hesitated to complete his sentence since he was afraid Jimin would turn him down But on the otger hand he couldn't wait anymore.. for more than six years Jungkook had feelings for his hyung since they were like ten.

Jimin : Into ?
Jk : forget it. Ah Jimin I didn't have time to open gift but I wanna see yours
Jimin : No no !
Jk : why ?
Jimin : Don't open it now .. open it when Ah .. when you get older and you know I'm not there, Because It's a bit manly but suits you well I boughg it to wear it when you get older .
Jk : Ahh Silly boy You'll be always there with me .. I'm allowed to open it because we get old together
Jimin : mmh...

Suddenly the smile on Jungkook face faded away when Jimin didn't compeletly agree that he would stay with him till they are older.

Jk : Won't you ?
Jimin : ah I didn't say that It's just that both of us will change I mean our life will change and you know we may get seprated by university and I don't know you find someon-
Jk : I won't because I-

The words were both cut off when tge door rang again Jungkook looked at his phone and it was already 00:13
Jimin : ahh yeah my mom I had a great time kookie see you tomorrow bye

Jimin ran down stairs nervously didn't wait for Jungkook to respond and thinking about their conversation. 

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