The Journey begins

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Talia's pov

As I opened the door to Ryan's room I saw he wasn't in there then Lady Sheva walked into the room and told me. "Misstriss Ryan has left to find his Father and he told me to tell you he will be back in five months and that he would write to you every single day." Sheva told me. You let him leave!" I yelled. "Yes mistress he needs to find out who his father is" Sheva replied. "I would have told him when I was ready" I snapped at her. "I'm sorry mistress but I did the right thing" Sheva replied. "Then you are sentenced to three weeks in the dungeon no food or water" I yelled at her. "Yes mistress" Sheva replied as she walked into the dungeon. Send out a search team for Ryan Al Guhl if anyone harms him more than necessary they will be beheaded now go!" I ordered. "Find him at all cost my father yelled at the assassins."

Ryan's pov

I started in bludhaven as I searched the city apartments for someone. Who looked at least a little like me. But I was cut off when a group of league assassins surrounded the area. I acted fast and threw smoke bombs and ran on the wall as I took them out. When I was finished something came over me that I had a brother and we could possibly have the same father. "Next stop gotham city" I yelled as i got in a taxi. "Stop if you think people are following us and take shortcuts go to gotham city" I said while handing him a five hundred dollar bill. As I passed the population sign it said turn back or die. "Don't they know who I am the grandson of the demons head I wasn't afraid of anything" I  thought to myself as I got out of the taxi and  thanked the driver for the ride. I was shocked to see how big the house was. "This is not going to go well." I thought to myself. 

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