Brothers reunited

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Ryan's pov

As I was greeted by a elderly man. Bruce Wayne had said to him "who's at the door Alfred." "I don't know Master Bruce" Alfred replied. "I am Ryan Al Guhl and I am here to speak to Damian tell him it's his brother."

Damian's pov

"Brother" I asked pennyworth as I got up from the couch and headed toward the door he looked like my mother so I believed him. "Hi Damian I am your older brother Ryan. But our mother never told you about me because she thought you. Would distract me from my training. Ryan explained to me as I looked at him in disbelief. "My own mother would keep the existence of my brother a secret from me I'm glad I left!" I snapped. As he told me that he didn't know who his father and was and was wondering if we had the same father. I took a needle and rammed it through his arm and told him to follow me. I sat at the bat  computer waiting for the DNA results and it came out negative. I'm sorry but we don't share a father I said to Ryan

Ryan's pov

I almost bursted out in  tears as I heard the news about the DNA results. "It's okay I said to Damian while trying to hold back my tears" you can stay the night Grayson is coming tomorrow he lives in bludhaven and could give you a ride if you still need to finish searching for your father." Damian said while trying to comfort me. "I would appreciate it little brother." I replied to Damian. As I headed upstairs to the manor to get comfortable in the room Bruce assigned to me. "Thank you mr Wayne I hoped I didn't stress you out with this I might be your son business" I said. No problem and you didn't stress me out at all" Bruce replied as he left the room and closed the door.  I drifted off to sleep pretty easily because I hadn't slept in two days.

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