Chapter IV

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A/N   Sorry, so sorry, I wasn't in any mood to write, not about to give any stupid excuses, but I did hit a block. Yes this early, I'm guessing it's going to happen a ton of times, given that I don't even write with a plan. Why? Uh, because I know I can't follow it anyway?
Ok back to the story, this chapter is quite short, apologies.

Come morning, Jingwei was shocked awake by a bucket of ice cold water being thrown on her face, followed by, "Hahaha payback!"

"Thank you a lot, Hua," the immortal huffed, walking to the bathroom to grab a towel, before a thought came over her, "what time is it?"

"What time? There's still plenty of ti- oh wait it's 9!"

"So I overslept..."

"It's probably jet-lag!" Hua chirped, "Or time-lag, dimension-travel-lag, whatever. me, 9 is the perfect time to wake up, your '5am-is-a-wonderful-time-to-wake-up-to' is a bit stupid."

Jingwei came out of the restroom, fully clothed in her usual robes, and sat on her bed, reading some newspapers that had been collecting dust on the shelves. Out of curiosity and to bide time, Hua copied the motion and took another newspaper off the shelf, silently scoffing at the ancient way of making newspaper - broadsheets. This continued for the next two hours and a half, the duo occasionally discussing the various articles on Honkai attacks.

"Hua, I found the first article on the first attack."

Hua perked up, almost immediately going from boredom to excitement, "Yeah? Lemme see lemme see."

She quickly scanned through the pages, searching for some 'valuable' information, but to her dismay, there was suspiciously none, "Antique, there's no details, no location, no date...are they trying to cover up what happened?"

"I would assume so, lack of details could have been explainable for their limited knowledge, however, a lack of a time and location is awfully suspici-" Jingwei was cut off by the door opening, allowing someone to enter, flanked by 2 bodyguards.

'You know, with the show we put up yesterday, you'd think they would bring an entire army, but nope, 2 useless meat shields,' Hua deadpanned in the other's mind.

Jingwei inwardly smiled, 'Said army is probably outside, they won't fit in here.'

"Argh, I hate it when you're always right!" Hua screeched, startling the 3 men, who were glancing awkwardly between the two, "Come on, Antique, let me win the arguments at least once!"

"You throwing temper tantrums around like candy will definitely not help you in any way to win an argument."

"Why you-"

"Sorry for intruding but, we're running late for the meeting, if you would, please follow us," one of the men said, albeit a little hesitantly, his eyes wide with confusion.

'What a shoddy place,' was what the immortal heard as they approached the worn-down building, she was inclined to agree.

'Hua, there has literally been a Honkai outbreak yesterday here, what do you expect?'

'Hmm..I dunno, maybe...a beautiful paradise that makes Schicksal HQ fall to its knees? I mean, not that it looked pretty in the first place, I think after me decorating it, it looked better, y'know?'

'...' an awkward silence filled the air, 'your sense of decorating is quite...destructive, to say the least...'

"Excuse me?" came Hua's second screech this morning.

"You're excused," Jingwei said in response, barely holding back a smile.

"What? Hey! No, don't go inside just yet-"

'Go inside, Hua, the faster we can get this over and done with, the sooner you can escape this, in your own words: quote and quote 'hell'.'


'Not my fault, you keep the link open all the time, Herrscher of Sentience.'

"ARGH!" came the fifth screech this morning, "YOU. ARE. SO. INFURIATING."

Word count: 563

A/N Yep, quite chill, this chapter, can't think of any conflicts at the moment, with all of my other HI3 ideas, I wonder if I should start a oneshot fic? This fic is quite stressing to write.

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