(Chapter 109) Combusting Hostility

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Lucy dragged herself to Brickwood's office after dinner where agonizing over her outburst took up all the time she should have spent eating. Now she entered his office hungry and wondering if she'd fail him, as the temper tantrum probably set her way back in everyone's opinions and justified one particular boy's callous treatment.

Algernon was already in Brickwood's office when Lucy arrived and their wasn't a part of her body free from cringing upon seeing him.
Algernon read the tension in Lucy's stiff demeanor and, as whenever he sensed tension, squared his shoulders to ready for a fight.

"Good, you're both here," Brickwood remarked, peering up from his mass of paper. "I've called you to talk about-"

"I'm sorry for what I did, professor." Lucy blurted out, rushing to speak while she had the courage too. "I lost my temper, and it was wrong of me to act out as I did." Lucy paused to chew at the inside of her cheek, as if it would make it easier to swallow her pride for what she needed to say next. "But I don't think Algernon should be punished as well." She added to everyone in the room's surprise. Even if he was the one to insight her anger, it was her actions and she should have been strong enough to remain calm, and brave enough now to solely accept the blame.

Algernon stared at Lucy in incomprehensible astonishment. There wasn't a time he could recall that anyone had ever tried to reduce any of his problems, especially not at their own expense. It made Algernon feel guiltier than ever for the tremendous part he kept playing in hers. But before he could speak out in her defense, his cousin did.

"No one is being punished, Miss. Lahue." Brickwood replied, smiling to ease her nerves. "I've called you both in to discuss a different matter."

Lucy gaped back at the professor confused while Algernon sneered.

"As you both know the winter ball is soon upon us, where the students and alums of Attwood are to exemplify the highest level of dignity and decorum. Representatives of the most powerful nations all over the world are going to be in attendance, and the reputation of Emora rests heavily on our students." Brickwood continued as he got up to stretch his legs. "You are the embodiment of our country's future potential, and one of the greatest duties as a student of Attwood is representing that future."

Algernon already figured out where he was going, but Lucy remained perplexed.

"To no fault of her own, Miss. Lahue never received formal education on the proper dance customs of Emora." Brickwood said, finally getting to the point. "While Algernon, you've been privy to the highest education in the world and are expertly trained in all forms of the practice. Now you must share some of your expertise with the less fortunate."

Lucy's gaze shifted to the floor as her self-esteem dropped. Just another lacking of hers that burdened someone else.

"You want me to teach her how to dance so she won't degrade the school." Algernon plainly restated.

"Well, yes," Brickwood said and seeing Lucy's slump, tried to qualify the harshness by adding, "I don't want the school's reputation to be put into question and I want Lucy to feel comfortable as well."

Lucy bit the inside of her cheeks. She understood Brickwood was trying to soften the blow but however soft it was, it hit an old deep wound that could never heal as it was consistently struck.

"Maybe someone with the time to spare should do it," Algernon said, sensing Lucy's discomfort and not wanting to force her around him when she was so rightfully upset with him.

Lucy wasn't surprised to hear Algernon try to get out of it. He was probably completely done with helping her at this point. Just as she so badly wanted to be done with needing help.

"Well, there are some others I thought to ask, I just knew how well suited you would be to the job." Brickwood returned.

Algernon glanced away from his cousin. It felt like a compliment, one that he should hate to receive but very much didn't.

"I suppose Mr. Fenney might be a good option." Brickwood considered, drawing his fingers to his chin in contemplation.

Lucy's ear perked at the mention of Jasper and sent Algernon's jaw clenching. "Or perhaps I could find the time." The professor added, mindlessly looking out of the stained-glass window. "It is the responsibility of the teacher to help his students after all."

Lucy perked up even more at the idea of Brickwood being her partner. She was about to say she thought it a great idea when Algernon spoke.

"Fine." He announced, his voice free of all emotion, but unyielding.

"So, you'll take her on, Algernon?" Brickwood asked, a pleased smile forming onto his face.

"That's what I said." Algernon replied.

Lucy was just about to protest when Brickwood spoke. "Perfect then all is settled." Then turning to Lucy said, "Miss. Lahue, you would be hard-pressed to find a better teacher than Mr. Black here." He positioned her shoulders to face his, staring directly into her eyes. "But if he gives you any kind of trouble do not hesitate to come to me, and I will personally oversee your lessons. No matter how busy I might be."

"Yes, professor," Lucy muttered out, not able to hold his sharp eye contact for more than a second.

"Then every day, from now until the formal, you can practice in my classroom after lessons." Brickwood declared, dropping his hands. "Two weeks should be more than enough time to ensure the preparation, no?" He questioned Algernon.

"It seems a bit of restraint on time," Algernon blunted, aggravated by his cousin's abrupt touching of Lucy. "When it comes to things of delicate matter such as this it is best not to rush."

"Of course," Brickwood said, speaking only to Algernon as if Lucy was no longer in the room. "But there are limits that we are bound to, time being the greatest of them."

"Professor." Lucy meekly interjected. "I'll work hard to not disappoint the school." She bowed her head, finding it hard to pick it back up.

Algernon gazed over Lucy. Hearing the dejection in her voice had turned into a woefully familiar thing for him.

"I hope Algernon will permit you the same level of enthusiasm," Brickwood replied.

Lucy nodded before turning to leave.

Algernon's body locked in place for quite a while after Lucy had gone, as it did every time, he beheld her in such a sorrowful state.

"This is a chance for you as well, Algernon," Brickwood said, his friendly demeanor dropping as they were left alone. "To overcome that glaring hostility of yours. Or at least train to prevent it from combusting on everyone around you."

Algernon scowled at his cousin, but it fell, knowing he wasn't wrong.

"Or at least channel it to the right opponent," Brickwood added, raising his gaze to meet his cousin's black eyes. "Before you make the entire world your enemy."

Too late, Algernon thought before storming out in need of a physical enemy to fight.

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